L'analista Michaël van de Poppe pronostica concentracions contundents per a Cardano, Binance Moneda i dues Altcoins addicionals

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L'analista Michaël van de Poppe pronostica concentracions contundents per a Cardano, Binance Moneda i dues Altcoins addicionals

A widely followed crypto strategist says he’s expecting to witness bullish continuations for Cardano (ADA), Binance (BNB) and two additional crypto assets.

Analyst Michaël van de Poppe tells his 615,800 Twitter followers that smart contract platform Cardano must take out its immediate resistance at $0.47 to ignite the next leg up.

"Aquest està preparat per continuar, ja que s'ha produït un canvi de resistència al suport a la regió de 0.46 dòlars. Hem de veure el mateix al nivell de 0.47 dòlars i, aleshores, anirem bé per accelerar. Orientant-se a 0.55 dòlars com a propera regió".

font: Van de Poppe / Twitter

En el moment d’escriure, Cardano està canviant de mans per 0.46 dòlars.

El següent és Binance Moneda, the utility token of crypto exchange Binance. With BNB now trading at $231, Van de Poppe says that he’s waiting for the fifth-largest crypto asset to revisit its immediate support.

“This one is doing well. Flipped the $215 level for support and continued the momentum. No resistance until $255-$260. If it breaks sub $240, I’d be looking at $215 again.”  

font: Van de Poppe / Twitter

Another altcoin on the analyst’s radar is Cosmos (ATOM), an ecosystem of blockchains designed for both scalability and interoperability. Van de Poppe says he’s expecting ATOM to sustain its short-term uptrend to as high as $12.

“So far, so good. This one is trending upwards and has to sustain above $8.50 to avoid a breakdown. If that happens, we’ll most likely see continuation towards $10 and possibly $12.”

font: Van de Poppe / Twitter

En el moment d’escriure, Cosmos is changing hands for $8.84, representing an upside potential of over 35% to Van de Poppe’s target.

The last altcoin on the trader’s radar is Ethereum competitor Harmony (ONE), which Van de Poppe says is gearing up for a nearly 20% from current prices in the short term.

“Looks the same as the rest of the markets, but expecting continuation towards $0.025 here. If we hold $0.02, time is good.”

font: Van de Poppe / Twitter

En el moment d’escriure, Harmonia is valued at $0.021, down over 8% on the day.

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Imatge destacada: Shutterstock/4kstock/Mingirov Yuriy

El lloc L'analista Michaël van de Poppe pronostica concentracions contundents per a Cardano, Binance Moneda i dues Altcoins addicionals aparèixer per primera vegada en El diari Hodl.

Font original: El diari Hodl