Verkauft es nicht an Shitcoiner

By Bitcoin Magazin - vor 7 Monaten - Lesezeit: 4 Minuten Verkauft es nicht an Shitcoiner

Shitcoiners have fat bags, really fat bags, really, really fat bags. Two weeks ago I put up for sale to see what responses I would get back. I imagined Roger Ver offering to sell bitcoin dot com in 2013, and what would have happened if another player had bought it. I had a few groups of shitcoiners offer to buy the domain (prob to do some Nostr ICO), but yeah, that wont happen. 

Meine Geschichte mit Nostr 

Vor fast drei Jahren habe ich den ersten Twitter-Klon auf Nostr erstellt und angefangen, die Nostr-Telegram-Gruppe abzuhören, um zu kaufen. Nach ein paar Wochen des Abhörens habe ich in den sauren Apfel gebissen, fast 3btc verkauft und mir die Domain gesichert. Die Domain litt einige Jahre lang unter einer schlecht gestalteten Splash-Seite für Nostr-Projekte. 

Zu Beginn dieses Jahres, als Nostr so viel Aufmerksamkeit erhielt, war klar, dass wir eine bessere Splash-Seite brauchten. Wir haben die hervorragende Website, die Jeffg für erstellt hat, auf der Website gehostet. Um die Domain zu nutzen, wurde Fiatjaf die volle Kontrolle übertragen, großartige Nostr-Projekte auf Subdomains von zu hosten (vielen Dank für diesen Fiatjaf). Da es sich um die meistbesuchte Website von Nostr handelt, ist sie eindeutig ein sehr wichtiges Tor für die Clearnet-Leute. 

LNbits, Nostr und Covid 

Those Covid years were a productive period, as well as the creation of Nostr, a few of us, such as Fiatjaf, Eneko and myself created LNbits, an extension based lightning wallet accounts system, which would make it easy to showcase cutting edge bitcoin functionality. While Nostr was bubbling away and great contributors started building clients that actually worked, I focused all my attention on LNbits. Although not having time to develop on Nostr, I shilled the protocol as much as possible, talking about it in popular bitcoin Podcasts and doing the first Nostr talk at HCCP in 2021. 

Wir hatten ab 2022 einige Nostr-LNbits-Erweiterungen in der Pipeline, wie zum Beispiel ein einfaches One-Click-Relay, eine Erweiterung für den Verkauf von NIP05-Adressen und die Nostr-Market-Erweiterung (ihr Vorgänger Diagon Alley, die einen der Einflüsse auf die Entwicklung des Nostr-Protokolls darstellte). ) und eine immer verfügbare Nostr-Client-Erweiterung, die Relays multiplexen und Notizen an verschiedene Erweiterungen in LNbits weiterleiten kann (wird für den Nostr-Markt benötigt, damit der Händler Rechnungen erstellen kann, ohne dass sein Kunde „online“ ist). 

LNbits was always a hobby project. but as the project evolved and was being used in the wild (even by a bank) it made sense to push hard to get the project out of beta. It was also weird that we were creating a useful accounting tool but not using it in a business context ourselves. With the blessing of the community, LNbits core devs created LNbits Inc, a for-profit arm that would help develop LNbits and provide some useful services, such as a one click launch LNbits software as a service (similar to launching WordPress on, a shop for selling all our DIY bitcoin hardware/swag, and a support service for people wanting to implement LNbits in their stack. We were given a pre-seed by the excellent Max Webster from Hivemind Ventures, which meant 6 of us could work on LNbits full time for a year, to create the services and push to get LNbits out of beta. 


All the Nostrcentric LNbits extensions were given momentum with the Nostrenaissance of early 2023, and we were able to get them ready(ish) to unveil at Nostrica, as well as a hardware Nostr signing device created by Myself, Vlad Stan, Fiatjaf and Stephan Snigrev.

Für die Entwicklung unserer Nostr-Erweiterungen war es sinnvoll, dass wir sie nutzten, um einige Dienste auf anzubieten, ähnlich wie wir es mit LNbits Inc. gemacht hatten, also plante ich, LNbits Inc. das Recht zu geben, die Domain in den nächsten drei Jahren zu verwalten Jahre, um seinen Nutzen zu maximieren, indem es Relay-Dienste, NIP3-Namen und den Verkauf von DIY-Nostr-Signaturgeräten anbietet. 

Before LNbits Inc seed round, and “officially” passing the rights to the company, I decided to float the domain on the market see if there was someone out there willing to buy the domain. Within the first few days some folks reached out, but after some superficial digging it was clear their intentions might not be honourable. I have worked tirelessly for six years on free and open-source bitcoin software and hardware. All the engineers I have worked with during that period are here for bitcoin’s/Nostr potentiality to create greater liberty and freedom. Nostr WILL change our world for the better, and although I believe can be made more useful, it is imperative can not/will not ever fall into corrupt hands. Having a team managing the domain will help that not happen. I am happy to hand control over to LNbits Inc, and am extremely excited to see more wonderful tools/applications being delivered through it. 

Also check out the excellent Nostr-market update.

Pura Vida. Start wearing purple

This is a guest post by Ben Arc. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Zeitschrift.

Originalquelle: Bitcoin Magazin