Arendajad ei tööta teie heaks

By Bitcoin Ajakiri - 4 kuud tagasi - lugemisaeg: 5 minutit

Arendajad ei tööta teie heaks

I have a feeling that I am going to be writing a lot on this topic in general for the foreseeable future, but the philosophical and existential crisis currently confronting the Bitcoin space over what constitutes “spam” is starting to have massive second order effects and consequences in all of the different Bitcoin kogukondadele.

I want to specifically focus on the reaction to this debate spilling over into what charitably can be construed as debating with Core developers, but in reality in most cases has taken the form of what can only be called harassment. This can be a very nuanced and subtle aspect of how Bitcoin works, as the relationship between “customers” that actually utilize Bitcoin and the developers that work to maintain, improve, and optimize the protocol and tools built on top of it is not a clear cut category separation. Many people who use Bitcoin are developers, and many developers are users of Bitcoin. There is no hard line distinguishing between the two, and someone who is one or the other can over time become both. In the same regard people who fall into both categories could cease to do so, and simply become solely a developer or solely a user. That is the first thing to understand, the line between users and developers is totally arbitrary, with constant overlap and the potential for that overlap to grow and shrink at any time.

See tähendab, kuidas on lood kasutajatega, kes pole arendajad? Milline on nende suhe inimestega, kes tegelikult tarkvara kirjutavad ja hooldavad? Päris must-valget selget vastust ei ole, aga ma võin teile öelda, mis suhe ei ole: tööandja/töötaja suhe.

Arendajad meie heaks ei tööta. Täispeatus. Nad ei ole meie töötajad. Me ei maksa nende arveid, me ei rahasta nende tööd, neil ei ole meie ees mingeid lepingulisi ega juriidilisi kohustusi. Me ei ole tootejuhid, me ei anna neile projekti tegevuskava ega dikteeri, milliste tükkidega nad töötavad, kuidas nad töötavad, millises järjekorras või millised need tükid peaksid olema või kuidas nad peaksid toimima.

Disabuse yourself of any notion that this ecosystem functions in any way remotely like that. It does not. Developers freely choose to contribute their time to an open source protocol completely on their own terms. They decide how much time to spend, what to spend it on, and the way they actually implement what they chose to work on. Full stop. They have complete and unfettered autonomy in every way regarding how they interact with Bitcoin as a project.

Now turn that around to look at users. Users of Bitcoin are under no obligation whatsoever to adopt a change or tool that developers produce. Nothing is forcing users to change the software they run, or adopt a new tool developers build on top of Bitcoin. Having a Netflix subscription does not obligate you to watch a single piece of content they produce, it does not obligate you to consume any specific volume of content. You can watch as much or as little as you choose to, you can even cancel your subscription if you want. Netflix has literally no control over how you interact with it whatsoever except purely through the power of voluntary persuasion.

See, kuidas Bitcoin works. Harassing developers on GitHub will not change that. It will not magically turn your relationship with developers into one of an employee/employer. Not only will crying on GitHub accomplish nothing whatsoever to create or bring about that power dynamic that many Bitcoiners seem to want to bring into existence, but see ei saavuta midagi produktiivset. Ma ütlen, et inimene, kes on aastate jooksul arendajatega isiklikult arutlenud, on korduvalt väitnud, et arendajad on mõne probleemi või tegevuskava osas valed, mida nad peavad kõige sobivamaks.

GitHub is not the place for arguing what the existential purpose or reason for Bitcoin existing is. It’s a place for narrow concept and implementation debate and criticism, selgesõnalise eesmärgiga parandada tehnilist ettepanekut. Whether that leads to a proposal being incorporated into Bitcoin, or rejected from Bitcoin, peaks täielikult sõltuma puhtalt ratsionaalse ja loogilise arutelu tulemusest.

Isegi juhul, kui teil on tõeliselt ratsionaalne argument või sisend, kas te jääte järjepidevalt oma panuse ja osalete arendusprotsessis? Või teete sisuliselt lihtsalt ülevaatuse või konkreetse probleemi sisendi, et seda jalgrattaga lahendada? Jah? Siis pole GitHub isegi ratsionaalse argumendiga nende arutelude jaoks sobiv koht. Meil on Twitter, meil on Reddit, meil on ruumid, meil on palju muid kohti, kus arutleda ja asjades konsensuse nimel töötada sekkumata arendusprotsessi aktiivselt mõttetusi ja filosoofilisi debatte semantika üle.

And I reiterate that I am a person who has spent a massive amount of time in this space making arguments about why a specific direction of development is or isn’t a good idea, bolstering those arguments with actual reasoning and logical rationale. I probably never will in any meaningful and consistent way contribute to the development of Bitcoin, seega ei püüa ma oma argumente, arvamusi ja ideid otse sellesse arendusprotsessi süstida.

Esitan need argumendid laiemale kogukonnale või arendajatele muudel foorumitel või meediumitel peale GitHubi või platvormidel, mille konkreetne eesmärk ja funktsioon on Arendajad to coordinate the development process. If my arguments actually hold merit, they will convince users. They will convince developers out of band from places like GitHub. Eventually, an argument with merit will grow and create consensus around it to the point that it presents a meaningful public signal that developers can choose, if they want, to incorporate into their own reasoning around Bitcoin and what they choose to spend their time and efforts doing to improve it.

Lõppkokkuvõttes pole vahet, kas te vaatate neid probleeme ja seda dünaamikat arendajate või kasutajate objektiivist: teil pole muud jõudu ega mõju, välja arvatud veenmise jõud.

Kui arendajad toodavad midagi, mida valdav enamus kasutajaid ei soovi või millel pole väärtust, võivad nad seda lihtsalt ignoreerida. Kui arendajad leiavad, et valdav enamus kasutajaid nõuab midagi, mis on stiimulite joondamise, insenerireaalsuse või muu sarnase osas täiesti irratsionaalne, võivad nad neid lihtsalt ignoreerida.

Bitcoin is a self regulating system. Bad tools produced by developers will not be adopted. Users demanding incoherent or damaging things cannot make developers build that for them, but they can step up and build it themselves if they tõesti tahad seda asja. Keegi ei tööta siin selles dünaamikas kellegi teise heaks, see on täiesti vabatahtlik protsess, mida reguleerivad turujõud. Nii et kas astuge üles ja proovige olla veenev, tehke seda ise või nutke rohkem. Sul ei õnnestu kedagi sundida tegema midagi, mida ta teha ei taha. 

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