Miks peab järgmine USA president armu andma? Bitcoin Pioneer Ross Ulbricht

By Bitcoin Ajakiri - 7 kuud tagasi - lugemisaeg: 3 minutit

Miks peab järgmine USA president armu andma? Bitcoin Pioneer Ross Ulbricht

The story of Ross Ulbricht is one that has captivated the Bitcoin community for years – a brilliant young mind, an entrepreneur with a passion for free markets, and the creator of the Silk Road, an anonymous e-commerce platform that operated on the fringes of the internet, has now been officially behind bars for 10 years. 

To many, it's a miscarriage of justice. Proof that our justice system was caught up in a sensational story. It sought to punish, not find the truth.

Still, Ross Ulbricht's journey from an idealistic 26-year-old to a prisoner serving a double life sentence without parole, plus 40 years, is a stark reminder of the complexities surrounding issues of internet freedom, privacy, and drug policy. 

Tema lugu on tekitanud kirgliku arutelu tema karistuse õigluse ja presidendi sekkumise vajaduse üle.

Kui USA valmistub uueks presidendiajastuks, kerkib esile küsimus: kas USA järgmine president annab lõpuks Ross Ulbrichtile armu?

Already, there are positive signs. Democratic candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has pledged to consider the case if elected, though he has stopped short of pledging a pardon. Meanwhile, Vivek Ramaswamy, a Republican, has posed for photos with a fan wearing a "Free Ross" t-shirt. Both accept Bitcoin donations for their campaign.

Further, in 2020, former President Donald Trump, who is seeking to run for reelection, was considering a pardon for Ulbricht, though it appears at last minute, he decided not to go through with the decision.

The Silk Road, often referred to as the "eBay of drugs," was a platform where consenting users could buy and sell a variety of items, including drugs, as long as no third party was harmed. While legal items were also available, the platform gained notoriety for facilitating illicit transactions, primarily small amounts of marijuana.

Ross Ulbrichtile ei esitatud kunagi süüdistust kahju tekitamises ega kehavigastustes ning tema kohtuprotsessil ei nimetatud ühtegi konkreetset ohvrit. Selle asemel mõisteti ta süüdi platvormi loomise ja haldamise eest, erinevalt Amazonist või eBayst, mistõttu ta on üks väheseid esmakordseid kurjategijaid, kes mõisteti vägivallatu kuriteo eest eluks ajaks tingimisi vabastamata.

The injustice in Ulbricht's case becomes evident when compared to other Silk Road-related sentences. The average prison term for all other defendants connected to the case, including actual drug sellers and those who helped run the platform, is just six years. Most of these individuals are already free today, whereas Ross Ulbricht is condemned to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Furthermore, the media coverage surrounding Ross Ulbricht's case has often been sensationalized and inaccurate. False, uncharged allegations were introduced during his sentencing, further damaging his reputation.

Ross ise on väljendanud sügavat kahetsust oma tegude pärast, öeldes, et Siiditee loomine oli kohutav viga, mida ta kahetseb sügavalt. Ta väidab, et ta ei kavatsenud kunagi kahju teha ja on õppinud seaduserikkumise rasket hinda. 

Tema ema Lyn Ulbricht, kes on väsimatult tema asja eest seisnud, kinnitab tema eeskujulikku käitumist vanglas, kus ta on juhendanud, tunde juhtinud ja kaasvange juhendanud ilma ühegi distsiplinaarkaristuseta.

Rohkem kui 300 inimest, kes Rossi isiklikult tunnevad, on kirjutanud iseloomustusi, mis kinnitavad tema suurepärast iseloomu ja seda, kuidas ta on nende elu positiivselt mõjutanud. Teda kirjeldatakse kui kaastundlikku, lahket ja suuremeelset.

The petition for Ross Ulbricht's clemency, started by FreeRoss.org, has garnered significant support. Over 250 organizations, prominent individuals, and leaders have voiced their belief in the injustice of his sentence. They argue that Ross deserves a second chance to reintegrate into society and start a family. Many Bitcoin Magazine readers agree.

However, despite a groundswell of support and a growing consensus that Ross's sentence is unjust, he remains behind bars.

The next US president will face many critical decisions. We hope they will consider sending a message that entrepreneurship, especially done with new technologies like Bitcoin in the spirit of freedom, will be positively encouraged. 

Algne allikas: Bitcoin Ajakiri