333 milioi dolar Bitcoin Konpainiak Porrotaren Babesa eskatu baino lehen FTX egunetatik desagertu zen

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333 milioi dolar Bitcoin Konpainiak Porrotaren Babesa eskatu baino lehen FTX egunetatik desagertu zen

While it’s widely reported that hundreds of millions of dollars in Ethereum-based tokens were siphoned from the FTX wallet after the company filed for bankruptcy on Nov. 11, 2022, another $333 million worth of FTX-related bitcoins somehow vanished as well. At one point, FTX held $3.3 billion worth of bitcoins during its heyday, but by Nov. 7, 2022, the exchange held 0.25 bitcoin.

5 Days Before FTX Filed for Bankruptcy, 20,176 Bitcoin Left the Exchange in Less Than 24 Hours

Ondoren BinanceChangpeng Zhao (CZ) zuzendari nagusia esan the public that Binance would be dumping all of its FTT tokens, people immediately started to watch FTX’s reaction. In addition to watching FTX’s reaction to CZ’s statements, people started to eye the beleaguered exchange’s crypto balances.

Jende asko ikusten ari da Ethereum-en oinarritutako helbideak that siphoned funds from the exchange the same day it filed for bankruptcy protection. However, FTX also held at least 20,176.84 bitcoin (BTC) 5ko azaroaren 2022ean. Hala ere, hurrengo egunean, FTXrena BTC reserves dropped to 220.26 bitcoin. By Nov. 7, 2022, data revealed the exchange only held 0.25 bitcoin as it was all transferred well before the firm’s porrotaren aurkezpena.

Iaz, FTX truke nagusia izan zen kripto-merkataritza globalaren bolumenari dagokionez, cryptoquant.com datuak merkataritza plataformak 75,303 eduki zituen erakusten du BTC, eta bitcoin was exchanging hands for around $46K per unit. At that exchange rate in mid-April 2021, the stash of 75K + bitcoin was worth roughly 3.3 billion nominal U.S. dollars.

By mid-September 2021, FTX’s bitcoin reserves dropped down to the 20,000 range and remained that way for well over a year. An artxibatutako argazkia 8ko maiatzaren 2022an grabatutakoak adierazten du coinglass.com-eko datuek behin erakutsi zutela FTX truke handiena zela 11. BTC erreserbak.

On that day, FTX held 20,048.43 bitcoin according to coinglass.com’s data. Coinglass now places FTX in the 18th position as it shows the exchange holds 7.03 BTC. Cryptoquant.com-en estatistikek FTX-ren diru-zorroak 7 inguru dauzkala adierazten dute BTC 19ko azaroaren 2022an. 20,176.84 BTC 333 milioi dolar inguru balio du, baina transferitu zenean 409 milioi dolar inguru balio zuten funtsek.

20,176.84 The BTC FTX uztea zen jakinarazi on Twitter bidez eta a bikote of kripto-komunikabideen argitalpenak. Moreover, FTX’s bitcoins vanished before CZ esan publikoa Binance would acquire FTX and then later revealed Binance atzera egin zuen diligentziari buruzko akordioarena.

Erreserben froga kontzeptua izan den bitartean trakzioa lortuz, truke-helbide batzuk jada ezagunak ziren publikoarentzat. FTX-ak BTC erreserba gordelekua onchain datu-gune batzuek, besteak beste, cryptoquant.com, glassnode.com eta coinglass.com erregistratu zuten.

Zer deritzozu 20,000ari buruz bitcoins that vanished from FTX on Nov. 7, 2022? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Jatorrizko iturria: Bitcoin.com