JPMorganeko zuzendari nagusi Jamie Dimonek esan du hori dela ekonomia globala mehatxatzen duen arrisku nagusia - eta ez da inflazioa

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JPMorganeko zuzendari nagusi Jamie Dimonek esan du hori dela ekonomia globala mehatxatzen duen arrisku nagusia - eta ez da inflazioa

JPMorgan chief executive Jamie Dimon says that the global economy is facing a far greater risk than persistent inflation or high interest rates.

In a new interview on CNBC India, Dimon says that people should prepare for higher oil and gas prices as well as higher interest rates.

While Dimon is urging people and businesses to be ready for higher energy costs along with tight monetary policies, he highlights that his number one concern is the current geopolitical situation.

According to Dimon, the war in Ukraine is negatively impacting oil, gas and food prices. He also notes that it is “affecting all global relationships.”

“I think the geopolitical situation is the thing that most concerns me, and we don’t know the effect of that on the economy. Again, I think the humanitarian part – that’s far more important.

I think it’s very important for the future of the free democratic world. We may be at an inflection point for the free democratic world. That’s how seriously I take it… 

We have dealt with inflation before, we have dealt with deficits before [and] we have dealt with recessions before. We haven’t really seen something like this pretty much since World War II… There is no playbook.”

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Mezua JPMorganeko zuzendari nagusi Jamie Dimonek esan du hori dela ekonomia globala mehatxatzen duen arrisku nagusia - eta ez da inflazioa agertu zen lehen Eguneroko Hodl.

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