Analistak dio Duke Energy Corporation ikasten ari dela Bitcoin Eskari Erantzunari Aplikatutako Meatzaritza

By - duela urtebete - Irakurtzeko denbora: 1 minutu

Analistak dio Duke Energy Corporation ikasten ari dela Bitcoin Eskari Erantzunari Aplikatutako Meatzaritza

Duke Energy Corporation-eko tasa eta erregulazio estrategia analistaren arabera, AEBetako bigarren energia korporazio handiena aztertzen ari da. bitcoin mining. Lead analyst Justin Orkney said that a bitcoin demand response (DR) study was being worked on and the energy firm is partnered with bitcoin miners that are enrolled in Duke’s DR programs.

The Second Largest U.S. Energy Corporation Is Researching Bitcoin Meatze

Azkena "Bitcoin, Energy and the Environment” podcast with Troy Cross, called “Duke Energy is studying bitcoin,” features Justin Orkney, the lead rates and regulatory strategy analyst at the energy corporation. In the episode, Orkney and the podcast host discuss “bitcoin’s utility” and “really interesting opportunities” that pertain to energy demand response programs.

Basically, DR gives energy consumers the ability to operate the grid more efficiently by reducing or shifting loads. For instance, with bitcoin mining, by being able to “strategically locate miners on the system — There’s an opportunity to partner with these types of customers,” Orkney said. While a majority of the conversation details Orkney’s background in Solar and pilot studies on demand response, the analyst notes how bitcoin mining could be a powerful technology when it comes to DR components.

Elkarrizketan zehar, Orkney-k azpimarratu du horietako batzuk Duke Energyrena (NYSE: duk) customers were bitcoin miners. “We do have existing customers on our system,” Orkney explained to the show’s host. “They are voluntarily enrolled in our demand response programs. Those consist of basically agreeing to curtail usage at particular hours of the year when we call events.”

'Bitcoin Mining Appears to Be That Really Powerful Demand Response Technology’

In the U.S., most of the infrastructure such as transformers and transmission lines are more than two decades old. DR programs can allow grid customers, some of which can be bitcoin miners, to help the utilities manage peak demand. Insufficient transmission capacity can be managed more effectively in order to make old infrastructure more reliable. Orkney said that it’s possible that bitcoin mining could be a technologically advanced DR method.

"Bitcoin mining appears to be that really powerful demand response technology where they can be humming at a 100% power factor, or using the same amount of electricity all day long which is called flatline, and then within a matter of minutes they can decrease their usage at kind of a pinpoint precision level and hold it for however long they want to and then bring it right back up,” Orkney said.

Bitcoin mining has received a lot of arreta negatiboa azken urtean industriaren inguruan energiaren erabilera sare gisa informatzen du consumes 91 terawatt-hours of electricity annually. However, a number of bitcoin believe concerns about BTCMeatzaritzari dagokionez energia-kontsumoa gehiegizkoa da. Gainera, duela gutxi argitaratutako bat aztertzeko erakusten duten Bitcoin network leverages 50 times less energy than the traditional banking system.

Gainera, ingurumen, gizarte eta gobernantza (ESG) analistak, Daniel Battenek, a bidali gertakar that indicates bitcoin mining could potentially eliminate a significant amount of leaked methane and stressed that no technology could do it better. Batten’s study shows that Bitcoin could strategically eliminate 0.15% of global CO2-eq emissions by 2045.

Charlotten (Ipar Carolina) egoitza du, Duke-k gutxi gorabehera energia banatzen du 7.5 milioi txikizkako bezero elektrikoak eta sei estatutan dihardu. Energia elektrikoaren eta gas naturalaren holding amerikarrak 58,200 megawatteko potentzia kudeatzen du eta Orkney-k azaldu duenez, Duke AEBetako bigarren energia korporazio handiena da, sektore zehatzetan handiena ez bada.

Duke Energy Corporation-ez gain, txostenek erakutsi dute energia eta gas erraldoiei gustatzen zaiela Exxon Mobil (NYSE: Xóm), Equinor, Geo, eta CONOCOPHILLIPS arakatu dute bitcoin mining solutions in the energy industry as well.

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