Banku-sistema egonkortzea: Bidenek publikoa lasaitzen du Lehen Errepublikako Bankuaren kolapsoaren artean, baina zor nazionalaren hutsegiteaz ohartarazi du

By - duela urtebete - Irakurtzeko denbora: 1 minutu

Banku-sistema egonkortzea: Bidenek publikoa lasaitzen du Lehen Errepublikako Bankuaren kolapsoaren artean, baina zor nazionalaren hutsegiteaz ohartarazi du

Amerikako historiako bigarren, hirugarren eta laugarren banku handienen kolapsoaren erdian, Joe Biden AEBetako presidenteak herritarrak lasaitu zituen herrialdeko banku sistemak sendo jarraitzen duela. Dena den, presidenteak ere onartu du "Gaberako presidenteak zor nazionala ordaintzeko mehatxua" duela.

Bidenek konfiantza adierazten du Amerikako Banku Sisteman, Lehen Errepublika Bankua erori arren

Biden’s recent statements were made following California’s financial regulators helduz First Republic Bank and placing it under the control of the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). After the bank’s seizure, it was then sold to JPMorgan Chase, the largest bank in the United States, which pledged to cover all deposits, including the uninsured.

Biden onespena adierazi zuen of the government’s handling of the crisis, saying, regulators have taken action to facilitate the sale of First Republic Bank, making sure that all depositors are protected, and “taxpayers are not on the hook.”

"Ekintza hauek banku sistema segurua eta segurua dela ziurtatuko dute", adierazi du Bidenek. "Eta horrek langileen eta haien negozio txikien nominak egin behar dituzten herrialde osoko negozio txikiak babestea barne hartzen du".

The president’s comments echo those made after the fall of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. U.S. Treasury secretary Janet Yellen also gave similar reassurances when the two banks collapsed, emphasizing the safety and soundness of the banking industry.

However, some have criticized Yellen’s handling of the crisis, with one contributor to the New York Post, Charles Gasparino, labeling her “clueless” for her failure to prevent the collapse of Lehen Errepublika Bankua.

Yellen was “drooling happy talk about the banking system, and asking other banks to bail out the zombie. She’s also doubling down on her mistakes that caused this banking crisis in the first place, making it more difficult to escape,” Gasparino esan zuen.

YELLEN ditu alarma jo zuen about the U.S. defaulting on its debts, a concern that Biden echoed during his press conference on First Republic’s downfall. On Monday, the president emphasized the need to ensure the continued reliance on the economy and financial system, calling for the “threat by the speaker of the House to default on the national debt” to be taken off the table.

Republican lawmakers, however, have stood firm on the country’s debt limit, demanding repeals la Inflazioa Murrizteko Legea before they agree to any increase. The potential default on the country’s debt by the end of the summer has heightened fears of financial instability and a prolonged recession in the United States.

In a note shared with News, Ruslan Lienkha, the chief of markets at Youhodler, an international fintech platform based in Switzerland, expounded on the impact of First Republic’s failure on the stability of the U.S. banking sector. Lienkha voiced apprehension that the Fed’s rate hikes that have taken place in the past year have been particularly “painful for small and mid-sized banks in the United States.”

"Horrek esan nahi du First Republic Bank-en erorketa ziurrenik ez dela azkena", adierazi du Lienkhak. "Bankuaren balizko porrot batek finantza krisi zabalagoa eragin dezake herrialdean, higiezinen merkatuan eta erlazionatutako beste hainbat industriari eraginez, eta horrek inplikazio handiak izan ditzake munduko ekonomian".

Zer uste duzu egingo duela gobernuak etorkizunean banku-krisi bat eta zor nazionalaren balizko hutsegite bat ekiditeko? Partekatu zure pentsamenduak beheko iruzkinen atalean.

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