Investigadores do Reino Unido reclaman novas sobrecargas tecnolóxicas Bitcoin A minería cunha detección de hash un 260 % ​​máis rápida, reduce o uso de enerxía

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Investigadores do Reino Unido reclaman novas sobrecargas tecnolóxicas Bitcoin A minería cunha detección de hash un 260 % ​​máis rápida, reduce o uso de enerxía

Quantum Blockchain Technologies (QBT), a research firm hailing from the U.K., purports to have spearheaded a revolutionary leap in bitcoin mining tech. They’ve unveiled certain methods that reportedly enhance the chances of pinpointing a winning hash. One such strategy, dubbed “Method B,” asserts it elevates the likelihood by a remarkable 260% compared to traditional mining searches, simultaneously slashing energy use by 4.3%.

QBT’s Innovation Claims to Find Hashes Faster

The crypto sphere is zumbido over a freshly uncovered research firm, Tecnoloxías Quantum Blockchain (QBT). For over two years, they’ve been diving deep into BTC mining and the intricacies of the SHA256 algorithm. QBT boasts a breakthrough: using machine learning to predict blockchain movements, allowing for advanced block computations. Their claimed cutting-edge investigación taps into quantum computing, cryptographic enhancements, deep learning, AI, and the design of FPGA and ASIC, among other innovative methods.

Nun conversa recente with Thomas Warner, QBT’s chief Francesco Gardin shed light on this groundbreaking tech shortly after the U.K. patent filing. Gardin is confident that their insights surpass the prevailing wisdom in today’s mining sector, thanks to collaborations with North American experts. Their patent unveils a novel strategy named “MSFCA” or “ASIC Enhanced Boost,” enabling miners to commence work on upcoming blocks even before wrapping up the current one. QBT insists this forward-thinking approach conserves both time and computing power, particularly for application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs).

QBT believes this innovation tackles a significant hiccup in bitcoin (BTC) mining: the waiting period between blocks. While MSFCA doesn’t turbocharge the primary SHA256 computations, it greenlights some preemptive work, optimizing energy and resources. The trick? Minimizing the use of specific components (logic gates) on the ASIC chip. Gardin shared with Warner that QBT’s innovation might slash logical gates, potentially whittling circuits down by 8%. Researchers say while some extra gear is required for this anticipatory work, its footprint remains negligible.

Despite facing a few tech hurdles, such as memory chip constraints, QBT is bullish on MSFCA’s prospects. Their “Método B” rapidly runs myriad terahashes within the typical ten-minute block window, expertly steering the hunt to zones where winning hashes might lurk. By blending machine learning with mathematical techniques, this approach cherry-picks hashes from the most promising sectors, eliminating redundant calculations.

Lab tests by QBT indicate that Method B spots winning hashes a staggering 260% faster than conventional methods, cutting energy use by roughly 4.3%. This tech revelation coincides with Bitcoin’s hashrate soaring to record-breaking levels, nearing an impressive half zettahash. As of today, Friday, August 18, 2023, the Hashrate total da rede stands at 358.58 exahash per second (EH/s). Mining manufacturing bigwigs like Bitmain, Microbt, and Canaan are in a race, crafting rigs equipped with ultra-efficient chips.

Microbt’s newest unit arroxa 320 terahash per second (TH/s), rumores to harness Samsung’s 3-nm GAA semiconductor. Bitmain just revelou a rig set to revolutionize energy efficiency, dipping below the 20 joules per terahash (J/T) mark. Meanwhile, Canaan is provocalo a game-changing product set to debut in September, aligning with Bitmain’s latest launch.

What do you think about the technology QBT says it has created? Share your thoughts and opinions about this subject in the comments section below.

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