JPMorgan Terlibat Aktif dalam BTC ETF, Meskipun Ada Ketidaksetujuan Vokal dari CEO Jamie Dimon

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JPMorgan Terlibat Aktif dalam BTC ETF, Meskipun Ada Ketidaksetujuan Vokal dari CEO Jamie Dimon

JPMorgan Chase agreed to play a vital role in BlackRock’s spot bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded fund (ETF) despite CEO Jamie Dimon’s vocal anti-crypto stance. 

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon has never been one to keep his disapproval of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies a secret. Despite the CEO’s opposition to digital assets, JPMorgan agreed to play a crucial role in BlackRock’s spot BTC ETF application. 

Jamie Dimon Akan Menghapus Crypto Jika Dia Bisa

Just weeks ago, Jamie Dimon told the US government to shut down the industry. At the December 6 pendengaran of the State Senate Banking Committee on oversight of Wall Street firms, Dimon said, “I’ve always been deeply opposed to crypto, bitcoin, etc.” According to the billionaire CEO, “The only true case for it is criminals,” and opined “, If I was the government, I’d close it down.” 

Dimon has made numerous statements memberhentikan bitcoin, urging people to “stay away” from cryptocurrencies, calling it a “fraud” in 2017. More baru-baru ini, Dimon referred to crypto as “decentralised Ponzi schemes” and suggested regulators shift their focus away from traditional banks to the crypto industry. 

While Dimon continues to bash bitcoin, JPMorgan is investing more interest in the original crypto. On Friday, December 29, it was revealed that JPMorgan will play a significant role in BlackRock’s proposed BTC ETF. BlackRock amended its ETF application with the SEC penamaan JPMorgan as one of its “authorized participants.” 

Pada nya website, BlackRock explains that if it receives approval for its ETF, JPMorgan will play a “central role”, including “ensuring that ETF prices are accurate, and that trading is smooth, in all market conditions.”

Opinion - Hypocritical Much?

Dimon’s indirect involvement in crypto assets is confusing at best. While lobbying for a bitcoin ban, JPMorgan has been appointed in a massively important capacity as one of BlackRock’s capital market facilitators. Could we dare call this precarious situation somewhat hypocritical? 

Pengacara pro-crypto terkemuka John Deaton menunjukkan kemunafikan ini dalam komentar yang dibuat di sebuah pos X oleh analis ETF Bloomberg Eric Balchunas.  

Balchunas memposting di X segera setelah BlackRock memperbarui pengajuan S-1 dengan SEC, menyoroti ironi peran JPMorgan. 

Deaton dengan cepat menyebut keterlibatan JPMorgan:

"Bagaimana tentang itu @rrrrr, milik Jamie Dimon @JP Morgan is involved with #Bitcoin despite its only use case serving terrorists, drug cartels and other criminals. Or maybe you and Jamie Dimon are simply gas lighting the American public.”  

Adding to the confusion, JPMorgan recently diluncurkan its crypto token, JPM Coin, on a version of Ethereum for its institutional clients despite the bank being “deeply opposed” to the digital asset industry. 

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Sumber asli: KriptoHarian