Hér er Hvenær Bitcoin ETFs gætu leitt BTC-verð upp á hærri hæðir, samkvæmt Macro Guru Lyn Alden

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Hér er Hvenær Bitcoin ETFs gætu leitt BTC-verð upp á hærri hæðir, samkvæmt Macro Guru Lyn Alden

Macroeconomist Lyn Alden believes that Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded funds (ETFs) will not have an immediate impact on the price of the crypto king.

In a new interview on the Blue Collar Bitcoin YouTube channel, Alden says that Bitcoin ETFs will likely not serve as a key catalyst for a bull market but they could attract more inflows which would send BTC to greater heights.

„[The Bitcoin ETF] doesn’t really affect my view of the direction over the next two years, but it can add more magnitude to the upside than if these didn’t exist.

Svo til dæmis efast ég um að ETFs eigi eftir að stýra næsta nautamarkaði, en ég held að þegar þessi nautamarkaður verður að veruleika, þá sé það enn ein auðveld innflæði sem gæti gert nautamarkaðinn betur en ef þessi ETFs væru ekki til. .

Peningar hafa tilhneigingu til að elta verð á kaldhæðnislegan hátt. 

Alden also notes that the next Bitcoin price expansion will likely be triggered by the same catalysts that have ignited past bull markets. According to the macro guru, Bitcoin ETFs will come into play when BTC registers a fresh all-time high.

“I think that the next bull market probably comes from the same types of directions that the prior bull markets came from which is – we went from this bear market, a lot of the fast money is out of Bitcoin, it’s gravitated toward those strong hands, people that are dollar-cost averaging in, people that listen to podcasts like this and they don’t really plan on selling for the foreseeable future. They’re locked in.

Eventually, you get that really tight supply situation and then you get better liquidity conditions. I’ve been beating the drum for a while that Bitcoin is very correlated with global liquidity metrics, more so than any other asset I track…

When liquidity goes up, that tends to be constructive for Bitcoin price, but then it’s especially so when you’ve been in a bear market for a while and a lot of those loosely held coins have gravitated toward the stronger hands that are only going to come out with a 5x increase…

When you break all-time highs, that’s when people and their RIAs (registered investment advisers) are saying ‘Why aren’t we in Bitcoin? The ETFs came out months ago. What are we doing?’ 

Svo er hægt að fá eitthvað af innstreyminu og þá held ég að það gæti bætt við sig. Þetta er vissulega uppbyggileg, jákvæð breyta en fyrir mig er hún ekki lykilhvatinn.“ 

Þegar þetta er skrifað, Bitcoin er þess virði $ 39,972.


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The staða Hér er Hvenær Bitcoin ETFs gætu leitt BTC-verð upp á hærri hæðir, samkvæmt Macro Guru Lyn Alden birtist fyrst á The Daily Hodl.

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