Il momento di lasciare X (Twitter) è adesso

By Bitcoin Rivista - 6 mesi fa - Tempo di lettura: 5 minuti

Il momento di lasciare X (Twitter) è adesso

Bitcoin Twitter has been an exciting place over the last year as the Nostr and Ordinals protocols became the new up-and-coming protocols on the scene.

Ordinals exposed a fault line starting to form within the Bitcoin community. The ossifiers class that wants to keep Bitcoin the way it is versus the builders that want to explore and create new use cases for Bitcoin has turned into two distinct camps that will never reconcile their differences.

This has yet to happen with the NOSTR protocol. Capital has been pouring into development from some of the most well-known entities in Bitcoin. Primal, a nostr-focused client, ha recentemente ottenuto un finanziamento di 1 milione di dollari da Ten31 e Hivemind. Jack Dorsey, l'ex amministratore delegato di Twitter, ha stanziato 10 milioni di dollari per stimolare lo sviluppo del protocollo Nostr. Despite these positive developments, there hasn't been a mass exodus of Bitcoiners from X, formerly known as Twitter, to the freedom protocol. Why is that?

I'm shocked that most Bitcoiners have decided to stay behind the barbed wire fence of mass surveillance and have their data continually harvested for the benefit of Elon Musk.

La porta della libertà è proprio davanti a noi, eppure molti decidono di restare, ma perché?

For all the talk about incentives matter, the average Bitcoiner has fallen into the same social media trap that every other nocoiner has found themselves in. Here are a few reasons I believe Bitcoiners on X resist leaving the platform.

Gli effetti di rete sono una droga infernale


This is one of the main reasons why the most prominent voices on Twitter have yet to make the jump to being nostr only. X has been around much longer than the nostr protocol and is used by millions of people around the globe. If you are a Bitcoiner who has spent years building a massive Twitter following, it must be tough to migrate to a new platform with a much smaller user base and requires some technical knowledge to set up. It is easy to understand the rationale for staying on Twitter. There is too much to lose from a business perspective to make the jump.

By making this decision, they are missing an opportunity to introduce their audience to nostr and the idea of freedom tech in general. Staying on Twitter doesn't advance the mission of hyperbitcoinization because it perpetuates the usage of centralized communications platforms and undermines the message of freedom. Twitter might have a more extensive user base than Nostr, but when you look deeper at the numbers, it doesn't mean anything.

Secondo Pew Research, il 23% degli americani utilizza X, il che lo colloca al centro del gruppo di altre piattaforme di social media utilizzate dagli americani. Facebook e YouTube sono preferiti dagli americani più di Twitter.

In the same survey, 25 percent of users said they would not be on the platform a year from now. That's a lot of people who will not learn about Bitcoin da X.

L'utilizzo dell'app continua a diminuire anno dopo anno senza che si intraveda una fine. Le visite a livello mondiale a sono diminuite del 7.3% anno su anno. Gli utenti attivi mensili su Android e iOS sono in calo del 15% per Android e del 14% per iOS. X is on a slow-motion decline, so the argument that Bitcoiners should stay on X because it's more effective for orange pilling nocoiners doesn't hold water. Nocoiners are fleeing X in droves.

Sappiamo anche che le società di social media vengono utilizzate per controllare e influenzare la società in tutto il mondo. Come possiamo sostenere la separazione tra denaro e Stato quando non possiamo nemmeno abbandonare i nostri account Twitter? Ecco alcuni esempi di come lo Stato utilizza a proprio vantaggio le piattaforme di social media centralizzate:

X certainly doesn't free humanity from the clutches of the surveillance state in any way; it traps us in a digital panopticon with no escape. If the goal is hyperbitcoinization, we should do everything possible to erode the state's power. Staying on X empowers the government by giving them unlimited access to our data. You might lose followers and money in the short term, but it's worth it. Short-term pain for long-term gain should be the priority. We are doing this for the kids, right?

La dopamina colpisce e ti fa sentire bene

Immagine source

Who doesn't like posting a tweet and watching it go viral on Bitcoin Twitter? It gives you the massive dopamine rush that social media was designed for. This is why most of us keep coming back to Twitter in the first place. We want that dopamine mang! Think of Twitter as the drug dealer on the corner giving you all the dopamine you want. It's available on your phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

È stato clinicamente dimostrato che quando ricevi una notifica o un retweet, il tuo cervello sperimenta un aumento del livello di dopamina, rafforzando ulteriormente positivamente la necessità di utilizzare i social media. Lo sapevate quasi il 40% delle persone di età compresa tra i 18 e i 22 anni ha dichiarato di sentirsi dipendente dai social media?

Gli ingegneri di X comprendono chiaramente questo problema e hanno progettato la loro piattaforma per incoraggiare le persone a rimanervi il più a lungo possibile. Non sono degli sciocchi. È così che guadagnano. Sono colpevole di aver fatto scorrere X, ma dovremmo tutti essere consapevoli di ciò che stanno cercando di fare.

Non dire che nostr è la panacea per questo problema, ma il protocollo non ha gli algoritmi che alterano la mente che cercano di mantenerti dipendente dal protocollo. È giusto dire che nostr è meglio per la tua salute mentale? Sto solo buttando questo fuori di qui.

Dobbiamo vivere i nostri valori


This picture is the one that hit me the most and inspired me to write this article. As Bitcoiners, how can we rail against big tech and the surveillance state if we continue to use the tools the state uses to suppress free speech? How will we rally people to the cause of Bitcoin if we don't live by the very ideas we espouse to the world?

Using Twitter is, but one compromise, but one leads to another and another. We all live in a world of trade-offs. We should all strive for a world where freedom tech is the norm and not an exception. In general, Bitcoin and freedom tech have allowed us to remake the world and orient it towards peace and cooperation and away from the war, death, and destruction that the psychopaths in political office want to inflict on the common man.

Remember that the rich and powerful are not on our side. I urge all Bitcoiners to use nostr and slowly transition away from big tech because you never know when you will lose access to your data and all your hard work.

Ecco il mio pubkey se vuoi chattare usando Freedom Tech! Non vedo l'ora di vederti laggiù! Fuga verso la libertà.


Fonte originale: Bitcoin Magazine