変化する金融潮流: ARK Invest Suggest 19.4% Bitcoin 最適な収益を実現する配分計画

By Bitcoinist-3ヶ月前-読書時間:3分

変化する金融潮流: ARK Invest Suggest 19.4% Bitcoin 最適な収益を実現する配分計画

In their latest annual research レポート titled ‘Big Ideas 2024,’ ARK Invest, a renowned investment management firm, has put forth a compelling case for including Bitcoin in institutional portfolios. Drawing upon an extensive analysis of the crypto’s performance, the report recommends a significant allocation of “19.4%” to Bitcoin.

This figure is not arbitrary but is underpinned by a thorough evaluation of Bitcoin’s historical performance compared to major traditional investment assets.

ARK Invest Dive Into Bitcoin’s Long-Term Success and Value

Over seven years, Bitcoin has demonstrated an annualized return of 44%, starkly outperforming other major assets, which averaged a mere 5.7%, according to the investment management firm

ARK Invest’s report further delves into the nuances of Bitcoinさん 投資の可能性, highlighting its performance since its inception. This includes a closer look at its track record over the past three years, marked by significant technological advancements and increased mainstream acceptance.

The report underscores investors with a 長期的な展望 have been the greatest beneficiaries of BTC’s growth despite its ‘notorious’ short-term volatility. According to ARK, the critical question for investors should be not about the timing of their investment in BTC but rather the duration for which they hold it.

Ark’s compiled historical data reveals that a holding period of at least five years has invariably led to profits, regardless of the purchase timing. The Investment management firm noted:

Instead of ‘when,’ the better question is ‘for how long?’ Historically, investors who bought and held bitcoin for at least 5 years have profited, no matter when they made their purchases.

ARK のレポートは、単なる投資推奨を超えたものでもあります。 250兆ドル相当の世界の投資可能資産を考慮して、BTCへの機関投資が世界中で潜在的な影響を与えるという仮説を立てています。

このプールから BTC へのささやかな投資がもたらす影響は非常に興味深いものです。たとえば、Ark Investによると、これらの世界資産のわずか1%がBTCに割り当てられた場合、その価格は120,000万ドルに跳ね上がる可能性があります。


ARK’s analysis further indicates that “optimal Bitcoin allocation” has increased since 2015. Initially, a mere 0.5% allocation was deemed ideal for maximizing risk-adjusted returns over a five-year horizon. This figure has progressively increased, averaging 4.8% over time and peaking at 19.4% in 2023 alone.

Bitcoin’s Current State: Recovery Signs Amid Market Volatility


This resurgence aligns with Glassnode’s data, which points to a rise in stablecoin supply、彼らの 購買力 to acquire BTC.


先週ステーブルコインのローテーションが始まったように、 #Bitcoin、42kを超えるBTCを送信しました。

ステーブルコインの供給量は現在、最低値から10億増加しており、過去3.5日間で30%増加しています。 https://t.co/QIq2sEA9yg pic.twitter.com/YFcSzZhan8

— ジェームス・ヴァン・ストラテン (@jvs_btc) 2024 年 1 月 31 日

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