Bitcoin: Дигитални минерални права за иднината

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Bitcoin: Дигитални минерални права за иднината

Во Тексас, наследството од сопственоста на правата на минерали е наратив врежан во самиот темел на државната историја. Пренесено низ генерации како негувано наследство, сопственоста на правата за минерали е повеќе од правно барање; тоа е културен амблем, симбол на издржливост и скапоцено наследство. Богатството и просперитетот создадени за сопствениците на правата за минерали во Тексас со текот на времето преку екстракција и производство на јаглеводородни минерали е огромно, но исто така доаѓа со тешка одговорност. Таа одговорност бара далекувидна финансиска перспектива и посветеност на етичко и еколошки надзор за да се обезбеди благосостојба на идните генерации кои ќе го наследат минералниот имот. Општо познато е меѓу домородните Тексашани дека никогаш не треба ништо да се направи за да се загрозат нивните сопственички права. „Никогаш не ги продавај своите права за минерали“ е најчесто слушнат израз за домородците од Тексас.

The reason generations of Texans have kept their mineral rights intact within their families is that the modern global economy rests almost entirely upon the benefits of the extraction, refining, and processing of these subsurface minerals. When you own mineral rights, you own the fundamental primary material that allows the production and distribution of nearly all of the goods and services our civilization enjoys. In the future, the world’s economic production will similarly rely on Bitcoin to coordinate large transactions between manufacturers and industrial firms.

Тексас минерални права

Минералните права претставуваат сопственост на подземни материјали и право да се продаваат, развиваат и произведуваат тие материјали. Тексашаните имаат среќа да имаат право да пристапат до вредните резерви на минерали и јаглеводороди кои се наоѓаат под нивните имоти повеќе од 150 години. Сопствениците на минерали можат да ја следат сопственоста преку правни записи кои датираат од државниот устав на Тексас од 1866 година, кој беше формиран за да ги исполни условите за повторно влегување во Соединетите држави по отцепувањето пет години претходно и кој цврсто ги воспостави приватните права за минерали.

It is essential to understand that mineral rights in Texas can, and predominantly are at this point, severed from the rights of ownership of the land surface. These two distinct property rights are often referred to as the mineral estate and the surface estate. In addition to the ability to separate the mineral estate from the surface estate, the mineral estate can be subdivided into fractional shares of ownership. In Texas, it is commonplace for mineral estates to be divided into tiny fractional ownership shares. Whether the same owner holds the mineral ownership and surface ownership or they have been separated sometime in the past, according to Texas law, the mineral estate holds a position of supremacy over the surface estate. This authority allows the mineral rights owner to use the land's surface to explore, develop, and produce oil and gas under the property. The mineral rights holder usually accomplishes this by entering into a contract (mineral lease agreement) with a specialized company to explore and extract resources from the property in exchange for a lump sum payment followed by ongoing royalty payments that result from selling the resources to the market.

4 столбови на модерното општество

The standard of living in our modern society would not be possible without the massive widespread use of fossil fuels extracted from below the earth’s surface. In his book “How the World Really Works,” author Vaclav Smil masterfully explores our total dependence on fossil fuels to provide four indispensable materials our civilization relies upon. These fundamentally essential materials are cement, steel, plastics, and ammonia.

Приближно 17% од светското снабдување со енергија е потребно за производство на овие четири критични материјали. Вашата способност да користите интернет и секој поврзан уред на крајот зависи од јаглеводородите од фосилни горива. Инфраструктурата и технологиите на современиот свет се можни само преку нивната употреба и тие се единственото средство за обезбедување храна за 4 милијарди луѓе. Во својата книга, Смил ја објаснува клучната улога што секој од овие материјали ја игра во функцијата на нашата глобална економија. Нивното производство во голема мера се потпира на фосилни горива без други остварливи замени за енергија. Смил известува дека глобалното годишно производство на цемент е 4.5 милијарди тони, челикот е 1.8 милијарди тони, пластиката е скоро 400 милиони тони, а амонијакот е 180 милиони тони.

Currently, there are no feasible alternatives to using steel or cement to construct the world's infrastructure. Their combination of strength, durability, and adaptability is unmatched by any other materials. The production of cement and steel requires intense heat, which is currently only possible by way of the combustion of fossil fuels. Replacing the aging infrastructure of developed countries and building new infrastructure in underdeveloped nations will require continual vast amounts of new cement and steel production.

Не само што амонијакот и пластиката бараат големо количество енергија во производството, туку тие исто така се формираат со помош на влезови добиени од јаглеводороди. 50% од светското производство на храна се потпира на ѓубриво со амонијак, произведено со употреба на водород кој се добива од природен гас. Природниот гас е исто така извор на енергија кој обезбедува висок притисок и температури потребни за процесот.

Над 99% од пластиката е добиена од рафинирање на јаглеводороди од фосилни горива. Ниту еден алтернативен материјал не ги нуди истите големи придобивки од малата тежина, флексибилноста, издржливоста и корисноста на пластиката. Светот ужива во безброј производи кои содржат пластика, како што се делови за автомобили и апарати, електроника за широка потрошувачка, пакување на храна, мебел и медицинска опрема која спасува животи пронајдена во болниците. Рафинирањето на нафта, исто така, обезбедува критични елементи како што се лепила, лубриканти за мотори, детергенти, течности за ладење, мастила, фармацевтски производи, премази и текстил.

Елиминирањето на фосилните горива од глобалното снабдување со енергија во следните неколку децении е нереална цел кога искрено ќе ги земеме предвид достапните податоци. Поради нашите физички и реални ограничувања, транзицијата кон декарбонизирана економија управувана од обновливите извори на енергија претставува речиси непремостлив предизвик.

Hydrocarbon minerals play a prominent role in the beginning stages of mass-scale modern production, and the transport of final goods depends almost entirely on hydrocarbon fuels. Tracing the stages of production processes backward from the final stage of consumer goods and services to the original input of fossil fuel hydrocarbons, we find that the ownership of mineral rights at the first stage of production signifies a pivotal position of influence over the economic landscape. This position grants mineral rights owners the immense power to shape and dictate economic destiny for every individual, business, and nation. Our global economy rests upon mineral rights owners' discretion to allow their property to be utilized.

Just as owning mineral rights is owning the base material that underpins the functioning of the entire global economy, owning bitcoin today is owning the mineral rights to the future economy. The worldwide economy will one day function through the exchange of bitcoin between productive entities. Those who own bitcoin will own the financial collateral that allows the economy to function and transact.

Bitcoin And Mineral Rights

Bitcoin and mineral rights may seem like disparate concepts, but share some similarities. Both are subject to the concept of limited supply. In the case of Bitcoin, there will only ever be 21 million coins in existence due to its programmed scarcity. Similarly, mineral rights pertain to owning scarce mineral resources found underground. Both Bitcoin and mineral rights have forms of ownership, meaning both can be bought, sold, or transferred to others. The value of each asset is determined by market demand and supply dynamics, and each has experienced significant price fluctuations over time. Both mineral rights and Bitcoin share the feature of being decentralized. Bitcoin operates on a decentralized network, with no single entity controlling its issuance or transactions. Likewise, mineral rights represent ownership of an asset found across the globe without a centralized issuer. Each asset also has a substantial cost to its extraction and release into the arena of human economic activity. Oil and gas extraction from underground requires significant investments of financial capital, labor, and energy. Generating new supply in the Bitcoin network also requires considerable energy expenditures and capital investments in physical hardware and infrastructure.

Недостаток на bitcoin derives from its programmed 21 million supply cap, but bitcoin scarcity also develops because of its relative relationship with the entirety of the world’s goods and services. As the nominal amount of goods and services grows at a rate higher than the rate of supply of new bitcoin, bitcoin becomes more scarce relative to these goods and services because it grows more slowly. This relative aspect of Bitcoin to our economy creates a second layer of scarcity beyond the programmed supply limit of 21 million. As this second layer of scarcity grows over time due to the network effects of an expanding economy, other forms of складирана вредност become perpetually inferior to this better продавница на вредност.

The price of everything in terms of bitcoin is always trending downward, making it a better way to preserve capital than other forms. For example, new industrial building construction costs have increased by 46% in the past five years, meaning an industrial capital project that cost $100 million five years ago might cost $146 million today. However, when priced in Bitcoin terms, the cost for this project has reduced by nearly 90%, from 26,253 BTC five years ago to 3,395 BTC today. As the world continues to become more productive, the value of those productivity gains is stored in the most dominant store of value. That store of value is Bitcoin, and as global market participants increasingly understand this, the value of Bitcoin will trend upward forever.

Within the domain of current Bitcoin commentary, it is common to hear or read about a future where merchants will sell their goods in exchange for payment by Bitcoin or other related applications functioning on top of the Bitcoin network. Retail merchant adoption will undoubtedly help build Bitcoin demand and incrementally enlarge the network’s value. However, the most considerable impact on the growth of bitcoin demand will arrive when the owners of the world’s factors of production begin to demand bitcoin as payment for their goods.

Bitcoin And Production

Firms participating in the various stages of productive processes will start to understand the economic phenomenon of holding cash balances that increase in value while simply holding them, and therefore, will begin to demand bitcoin. Cash balances that accrete value instead of declining in value over time simplify financial planning for large capital expenditures. Significant capital investments in new projects become more manageable to facilitate. Businesses can finance capital projects more efficiently using their cash reserves held in Bitcoin rather than relying on debt or equity financing that dilutes shareholder value. Financial officers managing a company's capital structure will break into a new era of corporate finance when they begin calculating the net present value of an investment made with money that appreciates in value over time instead of depreciating.

When a firm chooses to invest in productive endeavors, the firm does so in anticipation of earning a resulting return of greater value. When a company uses accumulated Bitcoin to fund a capital project, it will consequently only accept Bitcoin as a return on investment. Accepting an inferior form of money in return will be unacceptable. As manufacturing and production businesses increasingly adopt Bitcoin as a medium for coordinating exchanges of value in manufacturing processes, the Bitcoin network will absorb significant amounts of value from the existing monetary system. This process will create a circular exchange, strengthening Bitcoin's store of value characteristic and increasing demand among companies supplying production factors throughout supply chains.

When the use of Bitcoin to facilitate large value exchanges between businesses becomes widespread, the availability of Bitcoin in the market will become limited. At that point, the only way to acquire Bitcoin will be by providing something of value in return. Purchasing Bitcoin with other forms of currency from a money exchange will become rare, and those who wish to obtain Bitcoin will instead have to earn it. Bitcoin will become all but unavailable for purchase through traditional means.

There will be a day when the producers of capital-intensive goods and scarce natural resources stop accepting continually and purposefully diluted money for their products. In the future, when large payments of value between manufacturers and industrial firms are made through Bitcoin, the worldwide economy will become dependent on it to function. Those who have accumulated bitcoin in advance of this will find themselves in a position of dominance. Just as the owners of subsurface mineral rights today profit by allowing their property to be utilized to power the global economy, bitcoin owners will one day profit by administering the money that coordinates worldwide economic production.

Сопственост Bitcoin today is owning the mineral rights to the future.

This is a guest post by Aaron Roberts. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Списание.

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