Il-Dogefather? Bijopic ta' Dogecoin Fan Elon Musk Allegatament qed jaħdem fi Major Hollywood Studio

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Il-Dogefather? Bijopic ta' Dogecoin Fan Elon Musk Allegatament qed jaħdem fi Major Hollywood Studio

A biopic about longtime Dogecoin (DOGE) proponent and billionaire Elon Musk is reportedly in the works at a major movie studio.

Skond ġdida tirrapporta by Variety, a film about the business magnate is in development at A24 Films, with Darren Arosfksy as its director.

Arosfksy is known for directing hits such as Black Swan, Requiem For a Dream and, most recently, The Whale.

The report says that an authorized biography of Musk, written by Walter Isaacson and released in September, will serve as the source material for the documentary. Previously, Isaacson’s book about Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was adapted into a film in 2015.

Musk, a known fan of the dog-themed meme asset, has been intertwined with DOGE for years now. In April 2021, he qal that SpaceX, his other company, would “literally” put a Dogecoin on the moon.

In April 2023, DOGE suddenly surged 30% after the tech mogul temporarily mibdula the iconic blue bird logo of Twitter – the social media platform he purchased for over $40 billion that has since been renamed to X – to that of a Shiba Inu, the dog which represents Dogecoin.

In July, blockchain reporter Colin Wu sabet that Musk kept Dogecoin as a payment option for Tesla, his electric car company, while removing the source code for Bitcoin (BTC) payments. In 2022, Tesla announced that DOGE would be an acceptable payment for merchandise and recharging stations.

Furthermore, in August, Musk’s lawyers mċaqlaq to dismiss a lawsuit against him which alleged that he manipulated the price of Dogecoin. In 2022, the billionaire was sued by a group of disgruntled investors who claimed their losses were due to Musk tinkering with the price of the memecoin.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/shufilm/MrArtHit

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