Bitcoin Adopsjon: Hong Kong er Asias stigende kryptoknutepunkt

By Bitcoin Magasin - 4 måneder siden - Lesetid: 3 minutter

Bitcoin Adopsjon: Hong Kong er Asias stigende kryptoknutepunkt

The city of Hong Kong is serious about crypto. After three years of struggles with COVID-19, the city is vibrant and flourishing again as business executives and tourists of all kinds pour back into Asia's financial center. New guidelines from the Securities and Futures Commission are paving the way.

Since Hong Kong FinTech Week last year regulators have been building a comprehensive license regime for digital assets. Regulated under the principle of “same business, same risks, same rules,” digital assets are now being approached with similar rules to traditional financial ones. This has resulted in breakthrough moments for the industry this year such as when Hong Kong's licensed exchange HashKey launched a digital asset exchange App, and various traditional financial institutions received relevant licenses allowing them to offer digital asset retail trading.

This was made possible by the Hong Kong government's comprehensive strategy to make the city a desirable Web3 hub. It started with a goal to improve foreign investment and talent recruitment.

The Hong Kong government sees the digital assets industry as a driving force behind its immigration and foreign investment back into the city. Other steps the Hong Kong government has taken in this area include: announcing a series of policies focused on attracting overseas family offices with tax incentives and releasing a plan that allows Bitcoin to be purchased through compliant exchanges which is currently under consideration by Hong Kong's Investment Immigration Program.

Ved å tiltrekke seg utenlandske investeringer og topptalenter håper byens ledere å gjenvinne forretningstilliten og en mer mangfoldig digital økonomi. I tillegg er den oppdaterte immigrasjonstalentordningen designet for å tiltrekke seg høylønnede og utenlandske kandidater fra toppuniversiteter. Så langt avslørte arbeidsministeren at kontoret har mottatt mer enn forventet antall søknader. All denne innsatsen vil legge et sterkere grunnlag for at byen har en mangfoldig talentmasse for den digitale økonomien.

Lisensering av digitale eiendeler har åpnet muligheter for å skape kraftsenter Hong Kong-baserte kryptoselskaper. Hos Metalpha fikk vi nylig en økning på vår Type 4-lisens (rådgivning om verdipapirer). Dette vil gjøre oss i stand til å utvide vår innsats innen rådgivning og utstedelsesanalyse, og gi oss mulighet til å publisere rapporter til kvalifiserte investorer om digitale eiendeler. Dette er en milepæl for oss, og det viser ytterligere SFCs tillit til vår forretningstilnærming.

In fact, since the start of this year, we have observed strong demand from family offices and public companies asking how to invest in Bitcoin in a compliant way. Smart investors who see through the noise and beyond the negative headlines are being rewarded with clear opportunities to grow and benefit from crypto and Web3. I believe more companies will apply for licenses to attract investment, boost their business credibility, and pursue new opportunities as a result.

A recent story reported by the Financial Times shows that Hong Kong is projected to overtake Switzerland as the world’s leading cross-border wealth management as Asia spearheads the growth. This massive global wealth shift presents a great opportunity for investors eyeing digital assets. As regulations become clearer for the digital assets industry in the coming years, Hong Kong will stand out as a city that offers a balanced approach to innovation and risk assessment.

Ser frem til det nye året, er jeg overbevist om at Hong Kong vil fortsette å spille en nøkkelrolle i å bygge Web3-huben og delta i ytterligere direkte konkurranse med Singapore, som hadde en tidlig bevegelsesfordel innen krypto. Og dette er en god ting. Investorer bør ha flere muligheter til å velge de beste kryptoprosjektene eller selskapene å jobbe med. Når det gjelder kunder, vil det øke tilliten når de vet at tjenesteleverandøren deres er sikker og kompatibel i regulatorers øyne. 

This is a guest post by Adrian Wang. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Blad.

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