SushiSwap Exchange cierpi na poważne włamanie do inteligentnego kontraktu o wartości 3.3 miliona dolarów – oto, co się stało

Przez CryptoNews - 1 rok temu - Czas czytania: 1 minut

SushiSwap Exchange cierpi na poważne włamanie do inteligentnego kontraktu o wartości 3.3 miliona dolarów – oto, co się stało

Popular decentralized exchange (DEX) platform SushiSwap has suffered more than $3.3 million in losses after a hacker exploited a bug in a smart contract.
More specifically, the DEX saw its RouteProcess02 contract, a smart contract that aggregates trade liquidity from multiple sources and identifies the most favorable price for swapping coins, exploited and then distributed across various blockchain networks....
Read More: SushiSwap Exchange Suffers Major $3.3 Million Smart Contract Hack – Here's What Happened

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