Programas de prisão de Ziya Sadr Bitcoin Educadores podem ser um alvo

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Programas de prisão de Ziya Sadr Bitcoin Educadores podem ser um alvo

Bitcoin educators will become targets of government oppression as they seek to keep the masses on the fiat plantation.

Este é um editorial de opinião de Robert Hall, criador de conteúdo e pequeno empresário.

De acordo com as notícias, um conhecido iraniano Bitcoin advocate Ziya Sadr was arrested in Tehran on September 19. There isn't much information about his arrest, but with the agitação contínua no Irão, o governo pode tê-lo visto como uma ameaça ao seu sistema.

The young people of Iran are fed up with the current regime's inability to create economic opportunities and tackle rampant inflation that saps their savings and makes it impossible to save for the future or afford the present. Os iranianos conhecem bem a inflação e registam actualmente uma taxa de inflação de 25%.

O Irão tem uma população relativamente jovem que tem sede de mudança, as shown by these recent protests that are destabilizing the entire country; it is not hard to see why someone promoting a revolutionary technology would be targeted by the Iranian government. If too many protestors learn about bitcoin before the regime can stop it, it could contribute to the end of the clerical regime.

The Iranian authorities targeted him because he was effective at sharing the message of Bitcoin and the hope that it inspires. Mr. Sadr, before his arrest, was bem conhecida for translating Bitcoin content into Farsi and educating people about how to use Bitcoin in a privacy-enhanced way.

Educating others about Bitcoin and how to use it is exactly what governments worldwide don't want to see happen on a mass scale. At this stage of the game, governments tolerate Bitcoin because they don't see it as a threat ... yet.

Foto por Michèle Eckert on Unsplash

Eles acreditam que têm tudo sob controle com seus FUD narrative in the media. It's not working. Adoption has continued inabalável, mesmo em um mercado baixista. Mineiros estão se conectando. A contagem de nós está aumentando. A Lightning Network está amadurecendo e novos produtos interessantes estão sendo desenvolvidos. The revolution is here. They just don't know it yet.

The gerontocracy that currently holds political power in America doesn't understand that Bitcoin was created to take away their ability to make money out of thin air and enslave the entire planet.

Once it is taken away — and one day it will be — all bets are off on what will happen. The powers that be don't want you to leave the fiat plantation. I know this isn't politically correct, but I will say it anyway. What Bitcoin content creators are doing to educate people about Bitcoin and how to use it is akin to teaching enslaved people how to read and write during slavery.

Foto por MC Che Lee on Unsplash

Education undermines governments' control mechanisms they have in place to control your mind and keep you on the fiat plantation. It starts with the fiat education system. The goal isn't to create highly educated citizens capable of thinking of themselves and sustaining our form of self-government.

O objetivo não declarado da educação, como o falecido grande George Carlin disse, "They want people who are just smart enough to do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to accept these increasingly shittier jobs with lower pay, longer hours, reduced benefits, the end of overtime and a vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it."

Se conseguir libertar-se desse mecanismo de controlo, ainda terá de enfrentar a máquina mediática e a forma como ela controla as mentes de muitas pessoas em todo o mundo. A mídia pertence apenas a alguns interesses corporativos investidos em manter o sistema atual mancando.

O poder da mídia de conluio e influência estava em plena exibição em 2020, durante o auge da pandemia, quando o mundo foi bombardeado com mensagens sobre usando uma máscara, apesar de ter sido revertido, “15 dias para retardar a propagação," despite that not being true, and all the other propaganda that was being aired on behalf of governments. It worked. How many people ended up doing exactly what the government said? Bilhões of people. They could quickly turn this power against Bitcoiners.

"This Is Extremely Dangerous To Our Democracy" 

Quem foi retratado como as pessoas más que queriam matar a vovó? As pessoas que questionavam a narrativa sobre o vírus. Eles foram ridicularizados por suas famílias e perdeu seus empregos because they didn't want to be forced to take a vaccine.

When push comes to shove, the government must crush dissent and opposition to the fiat system in order for it to survive. They have to block exits and burn the bridges; it's that simple. As recently as last year, the President of the ECB, Christine Lagarde, made a passing reference to blocking access to "cryptos" in general, but we all know bitcoin is the real target.

Will Public Bitcoiners Be Targeted In The Future?

Honestly, anything is possible. If you are a significant Bitcoin influencer with thousands of followers on social media, you should probably assume you are on your government's radar. Governments make plans for this type of stuff all the time. If you are Bitcoiner, you are automatically a dissident in their book and will be treated as such if the stability of government operations is threatened.

It would not be that hard for the media to label Bitcoin advocates as domestic terrorists, urge the public and their family turn against them, and throw them in jail. They could use a "crisis" in the sovereign debt market as a pretext to come after Bitcoiners in general.

Bitcoiners should take note of what is happening worldwide and plan accordingly. We are in the midst of a financial revolution; it's up to Bitcoiners to ensure the revolution is a success. Education is the key.

Este é um post convidado de Robert Hall. As opiniões expressas são inteiramente próprias e não refletem necessariamente as da BTC Inc. Bitcoin Revista.

Fonte original: Bitcoin Magazine