Binance și publică audituri de dovadă a rezervelor efectuate de Global Auditor Mazars Group

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Binance și publică audituri de dovadă a rezervelor efectuate de Global Auditor Mazars Group

Săptămâna aceasta, două schimburi de criptomonede au oferit dovezi de rezerve pentru a evidenția faptul că platformele de tranzacționare susțin activele clienților 1:1. Binance published its report on Dec. 7, 2022, and detailed the global auditor Mazars Group conducted the audit. On Dec. 9, 2022, the exchange published proof-of-reserves records and the verification was also conducted by Mazars.

Binance and Reveal POR Audits

Two very large crypto exchanges provided proof-of-reserves (POR) documentation this week following the promises made by exchange executives after the FTX fiasco. The world’s largest crypto exchange, in terms of trade volume, Binance, dezvăluit o privire cuprinzătoare asupra activelor precum BTC, BTCB, and BBTC hosted on Mazars Group’s website that shows assets held on Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB, și Binance Smart Chain networks.

The audit by Mazars took place on Nov. 22, 2022, at Bitcoin block height 764,327, and the report claims assets are backed 101% by collateralized reserves. “At the time of assessment, Mazars observed Binance controlled in-scope assets in excess of 100% of their total platform liabilities,” the Mazars report asserts. “The collateralization ratio takes into account in-scope-assets lent through the margin and loans service offering which are collateralized by out-of-scope assets. The Merkle Root was compiled by hashing all client accounts into a single output,” the Mazars audit adds.

Mazars’ audit on Binance further notes that “total liabilities” was accounted for in the attestation. At the end of Nov. 2022, after Binance furnizate adrese POR, Jesse Powell din Kraken criticat the proof and said that the “statement of assets is pointless without liabilities.” Powell has shared his two cents about the latest audit from Binance as well and lambastat il Binance POR again on Dec. 8.

Urmărești: Binance releasing its POR audit reviewed by Mazars Group, the crypto trading platform published a press release anunț despre auditul său POR, care a fost efectuat și de Mazars. „Grupul Mazars a comparat activele deținute în adrese [onchain] dovedite a fi controlate de cu soldurile clienților printr-o interogare live supravegheată de auditor a unei baze de date de producție din 7 decembrie 2022, 00:00:00 UTC”, a spus compania. a detaliat că clienții existenți pot verifică bunurile lor pe platformă. Auditul complet efectuat de Mazars poate fi găsit aici. „Raportul nostru are doar scopul de a oferi clienților transparență suplimentară și asigurare că activele lor din domeniul de aplicare sunt pe deplin rezervate, există pe blockchain(e) și sunt sub controlul la raportarea menționată mai jos. data”, detaliază auditul Mazars.

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