Россияне, живущие за границей, говорят, что не могут вывести средства из Binance

Автор CryptoNews - 1 год назад - Время чтения: 1 минута

Россияне, живущие за границей, говорят, что не могут вывести средства из Binance

Russian users – even some not located in the aggressor state of Russia – are complaining that they are having problems using the crypto exchange Binance.
The Telegram-based Russian financial news channel Banksta reported that the Binance exchange had “decided to punish Russians, regardless of their country of residence.” It wrote: “If [you are] Russian, then [...] transfers to international banks are impossible.”...
Read More: Russians Based Abroad Say They Can’t Withdraw Funds from Binance

Исходный источник: CryptoNews