Grayscale Investments žaluje SEC Over Bitcoin Popretie ETF

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Grayscale Investments žaluje SEC Over Bitcoin Popretie ETF

In response to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s denial of a request to convert its Bitcoin trust into an exchange-traded fund, Grayscale Investments, the largest manager of digital currency assets globally, has filed a lawsuit against the SEC. 

Michael Sonnenshein, generálny riaditeľ spoločnosti Grayscale Investments, tweet dňa 29. júna:

Grayscale Investments iniciuje žalobu proti SEC.

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Pokiaľ ide o správu aktív a investícií v oblasti kryptomien, Grayscale Investment je renomovaným zdrojom. Spoločnosť ponúka analýzu trhu a investičné vystavenie vznikajúcej triede aktív pre digitálne meny. 

However, in October 2021, Grayscale submitted a request to the SEC to declare its Grayscale Bitcoin Trust to spot-based bitcoin A F.

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The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has continuously refused to allow a spot bitcoin ETF to be created. This would have allowed regular investors to buy into digital assets in a way that is similar to stocks. This would have been a significant step towards the mainstream adoption of digital assets, but the SEC voted against it.

Bohužiaľ, SEC odmietol Grayscale’s request to convert a Bitcoin trust earlier on June 29. The regulator turned down the spot bitcoin ETF proposals because of worries about market manipulation. As a result, the eight-month conversion drive by Grayscale has been rejected, which results in legal action.

Grayscale okamžite 29. júna požiadal americký odvolací súd pre obvod District of Columbia, aby preskúmal odmietnutie SEC a napadol toto rozhodnutie.

Odtiene šedej žaluje SEC

Michael zdôraznil svoje obavy a odradenie týkajúce sa SEC:

We are deeply disappointed by and vehemently disagree with the SEC’s decision to continue to deny spot Bitcoin ETFs from coming to the U.S. market.

He believes American investors will strongly express the desire to convert GBTC to a spot Bitcoin ETF during the ETF application review process. It would allow billions of dollars in investor funds to flow while bringing the biggest Bitcoin fund in the world closer to the regulatory boundaries of the United States.

Moreover, in order to support their investors and the fair regulatory treatment of Bitcoin investment vehicles, he claimed that the company would continue to use all of its resources.

Donald B. Verrilli, Jr., hlavný právny stratég v spoločnosti Grayscale, sa domnieva, že SEC porušuje zákon o správnom konaní a zákon o burze cenných papierov z roku 1934 tým, že koná „svojvoľne a svojvoľne“. To zahŕňa zanedbávanie konzistentného zaobchádzania s rovnakými investičnými nástrojmi.

Tvrdí, že:

Je tu presvedčivý, rozumný argument a tešíme sa na produktívne a rýchle vyriešenie tejto záležitosti.

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Besides this, the Wall Street trading firms Jane Street, Virtu Financial (VIRT), and Grayscale signed an agreement on Monday to reduce the discount on their Bitcoin Trust in the wake of a probable ETF conversion.

David LaValle, globálny šéf ETF pre spoločnosť, povedal, že aj keď SEC ešte neschválila ich žiadosť, je to znamenie, že sú pripravení, keď to urobí.


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Originálny zdroj: Bitcoinje