Pacwest Stock klesol o viac ako 35 % po zverejnení správy o výnosoch za 1. štvrťrok uprostred turbulencií v bankovom priemysle

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Pacwest Stock klesol o viac ako 35 % po zverejnení správy o výnosoch za 1. štvrťrok uprostred turbulencií v bankovom priemysle

Po akvizícii First Republic Bank spoločnosťou JPMorgan Chase zaznamenali viaceré regionálne banky ako Pacwest a Western Alliance výrazný pokles cien akcií. V utorok popoludní sú všetky štyri hlavné americké referenčné akciové indexy v poklese, keďže akcie regionálnych bánk dosiahli nové minimá.

Bankový priemysel na hrane, pretože akcie Pacwest klesajú, čo spôsobuje zastavenie obchodovania

Pacwest, a regional bank based in Beverly Hills, California, is facing challenges after the release of its 2023 first quarter earnings report. Following the publication of the earnings, the bank’s cena akcií plummeted by 35% on Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time. The earnings report revealed a “net loss available to common stockholders of $1.21 billion, or a loss of $10.22 per diluted share.”

The upheaval at Pacwest comes on the heels of First Republic Bank’s nedávny kolaps and three major bank failures that occurred in March. Despite three out of these four banks representing the largest bank failures in the United States, President Joe Biden upokojil the public on Monday that the banking industry is on track toward “stabilization.”

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Besides Pacwest shares dropping over 35%, trading was halted due to volatility concerns. Other banks experiencing losses on Tuesday include Western Alliance and Metropolitan Bank, whose stocks have also seen sharp declines during today’s trading sessions. Amidst this turmoil within bank equities, CFRA analyst Alexander Yokum Hovoril som Marketwatch that while taxpayers will not be responsible for these failures, financial institutions are likely to increase fees.

„Všetky náklady spojené so zlyhaním bánk budú znášať banky a nie daňoví poplatníci, hoci očakávame, že banky budú mnohé z týchto nákladov nepriamo prenášať na zákazníkov prostredníctvom vyšších poplatkov a vyšších úrokových sadzieb na pôžičky,“ uviedol Yokum.

The collapse of First Republic Bank has left Wall Street investors uneasy, even though JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon vyhlásil, on Monday that “this part of the crisis is over” after taking over the struggling bank. While conventional equity markets are down, cryptocurrencies and precious metals have experienced growth amidst the banking industry’s tribulations.

Notably, the top two leading cryptocurrencies, bitcoin (BTC) a ethereum (ETH) vzrástol by 1.1% to 1.5% in the wake of Wall Street’s turmoil. Concurrently, the precious metals zlato a striebro have also surged in value against the U.S. dollar, with gains ranging between 1.4% and 1.54%.

Po tom, čo v utorok klesli akcie Pacwest o viac ako 35 %, akcie Pacwestu sa odrazili a momentálne klesajú o 22 % až 27 % oproti doláru.

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Originálny zdroj: Bitcoin. S