BinanceSpráva o dôkaze o rezervách „dáva zmysel“ s údajmi o reťazci, hovorí CryptoQuant

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BinanceSpráva o dôkaze o rezervách „dáva zmysel“ s údajmi o reťazci, hovorí CryptoQuant

CryptoQuant hovorí Binance’s recently released Proof-of-Reserves report “makes sense” when compared with on-chain data.

Binance'S Bitcoin Liabilities In Proof-Of-Reserves Report Are Consistent With On-Chain Data

Potvrdenie o rezervách (PoR) sa tu odvoláva na verejný dôkaz, že burza zabezpečila celé vklady svojich zákazníkov riadnym zabezpečením. Od kolapsu FTX medzi investormi na trhu s kryptomenami vzrástla nedôvera voči centralizovaným platformám a po burzách požadovali zverejnenie správ o PoR.

Asi pred týždňom Binance, najväčšia burza podľa objemu obchodov, odhalila svoju správu o audite PoR od Mazars, no zo strany niektorých analytikov ju z niekoľkých dôvodov preverili. Jedným z hlavných bodov kritiky bolo, že kryptoburza nechala externého audítora vykonať výpočty PoR pomocou metódy požadovanej samotnou platformou.

Analytická firma CryptoQuant má teraz uvoľnený its own analysis of the Binance PoR report, to verify whether the data released by the exchange is consistent with on-chain data or not. According to the report, Binance'S Bitcoin liabilities, which was the amount deposited by its users, were 97% collateralized as of 22 Nov 2022. If the amount that the platform has lent out to its users isn’t considered as liabilities, then the collateralization figure rises to 101%.

The platform’s customer liability balance as per the report measured 597,602 BTC on 22 Nov. 2022. Here is a chart that shows how this compares with the Binance'S Bitcoin exchange reserve as measured by CryptoQuant:

“CryptoQuant’s estimate of Binance’s BTC reserves is an estimate of the exchange’s liabilities, as they are calculated by clustering BTC flows from customers’ wallets to Binance’s exchange wallets,” explains the analytics firm.

Ako ukazuje graf, údaje na reťazci uvádzajú rezervy kryptoburzy na 591,939 99 BTC v rovnakom čase ako meranie v správe, čo je XNUMX % hodnoty zverejnenej v správe. To znamená, že analýza CryptoQuant je v súlade s tým, čo zverejnila správa PoR.

Additionally, the analytics company also noted that none of the erratic behavior seen on FTX prior to it going down is present on Binance’s reserves currently. BNB, the exchange’s own token, makes up for only a bit more than 10% of the exchange’s assets, which is also unlike FTX which had a large portion of its capital in its FTT token.

“Our analysis should not be interpreted as a favorable opinion of Binance as a company, the ecosystem of the BSC/BNB networks, or the BNB token,” cautions CryptoQuant. “It is merely a sign that the amount of BTC Binance exchange says it holds as liabilities at the moment the PoR report was conducted makes sense, according to on-chain data.”

V čase písania, Bitcoin sa obchoduje okolo 17,500 4 USD, čo je za posledný týždeň nárast o XNUMX %.

Originálny zdroj: Bitcoinje