Bitcoin Údaje o blokoch ukazujú 5 najlepších rezerv zadržaných viac ako 71 % globálneho hashrate za posledný mesiac

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Bitcoin Údaje o blokoch ukazujú 5 najlepších rezerv zadržaných viac ako 71 % globálneho hashrate za posledný mesiac

During the last 30 days, the price of bitcoin has lost more than 22% against the U.S. dollar but during that time, Bitcoin’s hashrate has remained above 200 exahash per second (EH/s). While 16 known mining pools mined the leading crypto asset during the last month, the top five mining pools retained 71.4% of the global hashrate.

Out of 16 Pools, the Top Five Acquired Most of the Bitcoin Blocks Found Last Month

The month of May is over and during the last 30 days 4,276 bitcoin (BTC) block rewards were found. Out of the 4,276 block rewards found, 26,725 freshly minted bitcoins were born into the system. While the network’s hashrate has been above the 200 EH/s zone, on May 2, 2022, Bitcoin’s hashrate hit an all-time high at block height 734,577. On that day it reached 275.01 EH/s, according to data.

Statistics show that 16 known bitcoin mining pools mined BTC during the past 30 days and stealth miners, otherwise known as “unknown,” captured roughly 1.03% of the hashrate during the last month. Unknown miners mined approximately 44 block rewards out of the 4,276 found, scoring 275 freshly minted bitcoin. Data further shows that the top five bitcoin (BTC) ťažobné fondy zachytili minulý mesiac 71.4 % globálneho hashratu.

Foundry USA zaznamenala minulý mesiac najviac blokových odmien, keďže pool predstavoval 21.02 % globálneho hashrate. Zlieváreň získala 899 BTC block rewards out of the 4,276 rewards and was able to acquire 5,618.75 newly minted bitcoins. Foundry is followed by Antpool (14.27%), F2pool (14.27%), Binance Pool (10.87%), and Poolin (10.85%) in terms of the top five bitcoin mining pools by hashrate size. All five of the aforementioned mining pools make up close to three-quarters of the global hashrate recorded last month.

Blíži sa niekoľko faktorov, ktoré by mohli zmeniť distribúciu hashrate a jedným z nich je BTCcena. Zdá sa, že trhový cyklus je v medveďom režime a má hodnotu BTC pokles nižšie by mohol vytriasť menšie ťažobné bazény. O 700 dní sa uskutoční aj zníženie na polovicu, čo znamená, že vyťažené bloky vyplatia 3.125 coinov za blok namiesto dnešných 6.25 BTC za blokovú sadzbu.

Lastly, during the month of July, the bitcoin mining rig manufacturers Bitmain and Microbt will release two new models producing between 126 terahash per second (TH/s) and 140 TH/s. The two new models produce a higher hashrate per second than most of today’s machines, and pools with access to them will benefit.

Čo si myslíte o Bitcoin’s current hashrate distribution? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Originálny zdroj: Bitcoin. S