Bitcoin Obrestovani računi so bili zasnovani pred več kot 10 leti, vendar je trajalo 8 let, da se je ideja prijela

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Bitcoin Obrestovani računi so bili zasnovani pred več kot 10 leti, vendar je trajalo 8 let, da se je ideja prijela

Medtem ko so decentralizirane finance (defi) ustvarile množico protokolov, ki omogočajo, da lahko kripto sredstva zberejo donos, je pred desetimi leti in pol bitcoin exchange called Bitcoinica introduced the first interest accruing system for bitcoin deposits. Despite being the first to test the waters, Bitcoinica eventually went bust after a series of hacks that saw roughly 62,101 bitcoin stolen from the exchange, and interest-bearing crypto accounts did not return until eight years later.

Bitcoin Interest-Bearing Accounts Were Introduced by Bitcoinica in 2012

These days, interest-bearing accounts and yield-gathering defi protocols are all the rage in the world of cryptocurrency, but most people don’t know that the idea was introduced more than a decade ago. In mid-February 2012, the now-defunct bitcoin izmenjava, Bitcoinica, developed an idea that allowed bitcoin deposits on the exchange to gather interest. The idea was announced by the 18-year-old Zhou Tong, a bitcoin enthusiast who founded the exchange the year before. Bitcoinica saw 3,724.12 BTC, danes vreden 71.56 milijona dolarjev, s katerim se trguje v prvih 24 urah delovanja trgovalne platforme.

Do septembra 2011, Bitcoinica was the second-largest bitcoin trgovalna platforma po prostornini behind Mt Gox. “We are glad to announce that we have started the public test run of our interest system,” the Bitcoinica founder Napisal on February 13, 2012. “We are the first website to offer interest for Bitcoin deposits. This post is intended to explain how the system works — Assuming you deposit $10,000 with us and the interest rate is always 4.17, you will get $4.17 every day or $1,644 every year (with compound interest).”

A great deal of today’s interest-bearing protocols stems from the world of decentralized finance (defi), which is a whole lot different than Bitcoinica’s interest-bearing account offering. Bitcoinica’s concept is similar to what centralized crypto exchanges like Coinbase,, and many others offer today, as Bitcoinica was a centralized bitcoin trgovalna platforma.

Bitcoinica was similar to Celzija, in a sense, as it offered interest-bearing payments but eventually went under from financial difficulties. Bitcoinica’s interest accounts were calculated every hour, and payouts were distributed after each day ended. “Bitcoinica has been running great for the last [five] months, and we’re the fastest growing bitcoin business ever,” Zhou Tong wrote at the time.

Po Bitcoinica interest-bearing accounts were introduced, the very next month Bitcoinica was hacked and lost 43,554 bitcoins worth $837.17 million using today’s exchange rates. Then more than a month later, on May 11, 2012, Bitcoinica was hacked again losing 18,547 bitcoins, worth roughly $356.50 million today.

Crypto Yields took 8 years to Mature After Bitcoinica’s Collapse

The interest-bearing accounts via Bitcoinica never really saw traction after the controversy that surrounded the Bitcoinica founder Zhou Tong and the mysterious hacks. Bitcoinica was eventually taken offline and by August 2012, the company entered into liquidation. Interestingly enough, the very day Zhou Tong announced the BTC Koncept obrestonosnega računa je eden prvih komentarjev od ustanovitelja zahteval, naj skupnosti zagotovi, da so njihova sredstva varna.

“Soothe our fears and tell us why Bitcoinica will not be hacked, and tell us about how our money will not be stolen out of thin air?” the individual asked the Bitcoinica founder. While Zhou Tong pledged to keep the exchange safe, the trading platform’s two breaches were considered some of the most controversial hacks in crypto history, besides the scandals surrounding mt gox.

Trajalo je več kot osem let, da so se kripto obrestonosni računi končno uveljavili v industriji digitalnih valut. Poleg tega je s protokoli defi mogoče zaslužiti donose na zasebni in neskrbniški način, ne da bi imeli kripto sredstva na centralizirani borzi.

Vendar, podobno kot Bitcoinica, interest-bearing crypto platforms can fail, and Celsius is one such lender that went bankrot in recent times. While Celsius and Bitcoinica were centralized, defi platforms can go under too, like when the Ekosistem veriženja blokov Terra je propadel.

Ko je UST odstopil od paritete 1 USD, so se uporabniki defi, ki so izkoristili aplikacijo za posojanje Anchor Protocol, morali soočiti z bančnim naletom, ki je sledil. V druge aplikacije defi je prišlo do vdora ali pa so jih potegnili preproge, uporabniki defi, ki želijo pridobiti zanimanje, pa so izgubili ves svoj denar.

Kaj mislite o prvem bitcoin interest-bearing accounts offered by Bitcoinica more than a decade ago? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

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