Plovba po neoznačenih vodah: Izzivi vodenja A Bitcoin Sklad

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Plovba po neoznačenih vodah: Izzivi vodenja A Bitcoin Sklad

 After FTX collapsed, scornful critics widely ridiculed Caroline Ellison's approach to stop losses. 'I just don't don't think they're an effective risk management tool,' she infamously told an audience during FTX's heyday. But did she have a point?

Venturing into the crypto asset management realm presents a unique set of challenges that differ widely from the traditional fund space. In this primer piece, we will delve into the obstacles that aspiring fund managers face when launching a bitcoin sector fund and examine the key differences that exist when you step outside the world of traditional asset management.

Volatilnost in obvladovanje tveganj

One of the most significant challenges faced by bitcoin sector funds is the extreme volatility that exists within the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin's price has witnessed strong bullish surges, driving excitement among investors. However, it has also experienced strong bearish declines, leading to substantial losses for those unprepared for such price swings. Managing risk in such a dynamic environment requires sophisticated strategies, rigorous risk frameworks and assessments, and a deep understanding of market trends.

Unlike most traditional and mainstream blue chip assets, which often experience relatively stable price movements, bitcoin's price can change meaningfully within a matter of hours. Consequently, bitcoin sector fund managers must be well-equipped to handle sudden price fluctuations to protect their investors' capital. Traditional stop loss structures may not work to the extent expected, as the closing market order may get executed far below the preset trigger price due to orderbook slippage and rapid price movements, the proverbial “catching of a falling knife”. Using tight stop losses as a foundational risk management mechanism can be your enemy. For example, in a flash crash scenario, positions may be automatically sold at a loss even though the market reverted a few minutes (or seconds) later.

Medtem ko so stop izgube alternativa, niso možnost! Možnosti so pogodbe, ki jih lahko kupite in vam dajejo pravico do nakupa ali prodaje danega sredstva po vnaprej določeni ceni (tj. izvršilni ceni) ob danem času (tj. datum poteka). Možnost za nakup sredstva je klic, možnost za prodajo pa je put. Nakup prodajne cene brez denarja (tj. daleč pod trenutno ceno) lahko deluje kot spodnja meja za vaše morebitne izgube, če cena pade. Na to pomislite kot na premijo, plačano za zavarovanje vašega položaja.

Sometimes to defend against binary result events or particularly high volatility timeframes you just have to flatten your positions and take no risk, living to fight another day in the bitcoin market. Think for example of key protocol update dates, regulatory decisions or the Naslednja Bitcoin prepolovitev; though note the market moves ahead of those events so you may have to take action beforehand.

Creating an effective risk management plan for a bitcoin sector fund may involve using various hedging techniques, product and instrument diversification (potentially across asset classes), trading venue risk scoring and risk-adjusted allocations, dynamic trade sizing, dynamic leverage settings, and employing robust analytical tools to monitor market sentiment and potential market and operational risks.

Skrbništvo in varnost

The custody of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is a critical aspect that distinguishes bitcoin sector funds from their traditional counterparts. One key difference is that unlike traditional exchanges that only match orders, bitcoin exchanges do the order matching, margining, settlement, and custody of the assets. The exchange itself becomes the clearinghouse, concentrating counterparty risk as opposed to alleviating it. Decentralized exchanges come with a unique set of risks as well, from fending off miner-extracted value to being ready to move assets in case of a protocol or bridge hack.

Zaradi teh razlogov varovanje digitalnih sredstev pred krajo ali vdorom zahteva robustne varnostne ukrepe, vključno, a ne omejeno na protokole z več podpisi, rešitve za hladno shranjevanje in orodja za spremljanje tveganja. Odgovornost za varno upravljanje zasebnih ključev ter izbiro in spremljanje zanesljivih trgovalnih mest je v celoti v rokah upravitelja sklada. Samo breme spremljanja tržne infrastrukture uvaja stopnjo tehnične zapletenosti, ki je ni pri tradicionalnem upravljanju skladov, kjer sta skrbništvo in poravnava standardizirana in komoditizirana samostojna sistema.

Custodial solutions for bitcoin sector funds must be carefully selected, ensuring that assets are protected against cyberattacks and insider threats. With the history of high-profile cryptocurrency exchange hacks, investors are particularly concerned about the safety of their assets; any breach in security could lead to significant financial losses and damage the reputation of the fund.


Zagon a bitcoin sector fund is a thrilling endeavor that offers unprecedented opportunities for investors seeking exposure to the fast-growing cryptocurrency market. It is important, however, to understand that launching a fund is no easy feat with pitfalls going beyond the success of the trading strategy. It is no surprise that every quarter the fund closures are in the same range of fund launches.

Those entering the bitcoin sector fund space should approach it with a pioneering spirit, stay informed, and embrace the dynamic nature of this exciting emerging market. While the road may be challenging, the potential rewards for successful bitcoin sector fund managers could be astronomical.

Če ste pripravljeni začeti pot zbiranja sredstev, ste že na poti, ali bi radi izvedeli več, nas kontaktirajte na [e-pošta zaščitena].

This is a guest post by Daniel Truque. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Revija.

Izvorni vir: Bitcoin Revija