CEO JPMorgan: Bitcoin Teu Boga Niléy Intrinsik, Régulator Bakal 'Ngatur Naraka Ieu'

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CEO JPMorgan: Bitcoin Teu Boga Niléy Intrinsik, Régulator Bakal 'Ngatur Naraka Ieu'

The CEO of global investment bank JPMorgan, Jamie Dimon, says that bitcoin has no intrinsic value and “regulators are going to regulate the hell out of it.” He emphasized: “If people are using it for tax avoidance and sex trafficking and ransomware, it’s going to be regulated, whether you like it or not.”

JPMorgan’s Boss on Bitcoin and Crypto Regulation

JPMorgan Chase chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon continued to express his anti- bitcoin and crypto stance in an interview with Axios on HBO, published Monday.

Dimon was asked whether bitcoin is “the fool’s gold of the future?” The JPMorgan boss replied:

Éta henteu ngagaduhan nilai intrinsik, sareng régulator badé ngatur naraka éta.

Nalika ngaku yén mata uang kripto bakal aya dina jangka panjang, Dimon nyarios: "Kuring sok percaya yén éta bakal dilakukeun haram di tempat anu sanés, sapertos. Cina ngajadikeun eta ilegal, jadi jigana saeutik emas bodo.”

Several regulators have similarly said that bitcoin has no intrinsic value, including European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde, Pupuhu Federal Reserve Jerome Powell, jeung Gubernur Bank of England Andrew Bailey. Dina babandingan, loba ogé geus nunjuk kaluar yén mata uang fiat ogé euweuh nilai intrinsik. A laporan diterbitkeun ku Federal Reserve Bank of St nagara: "Mata uang monopoli nagara, sapertos dolar AS, euro, sareng franc Swiss, ogé henteu gaduh nilai intrinsik."

Dimon was further asked whether governments should regulate bitcoin. “Yes,” he exclaimed, adding: “They have to. You can’t regulate everything a bank does in terms of moving money and not regulate what you would call money.” The JPMorgan executive elaborated:

Anjeun tiasa nyauran éta kaamanan atanapi aset atanapi anu sapertos kitu, tapi upami jalma-jalma ngagunakeun éta pikeun ngahindarkeun pajeg sareng perdagangan séks sareng ransomware, éta bakal diatur, naha anjeun resep atanapi henteu. Janten éta sanés pernyataan moral. Ieu pernyataan faktual.

Dimon has long been a bitcoin and crypto skeptic. He called BTC a panipuan deui dina Séptémber 2017 tapi engké regretted nyieun pernyataan. Dina Méi, anjeunna naroskeun jalma pikeun "ngajauhan"tina cryptocurrency.

While stating that he himself did not care about bitcoin, Dimon admitted that JPMorgan clients are interested. In July, the bank said that lots of its clients saw cryptocurrency as an asset class and they wanted to invest in it. By August, JPMorgan was kurban genep dana investasi cryptocurrency ka klien.

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