Kumaha Mésér Sareng Dagang Token BRC-20 Dina Bitcoin Network

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Kumaha Mésér Sareng Dagang Token BRC-20 Dina Bitcoin Network

Naon BRC-20 Token?

BRC-20 tokens are a novel standard on the Bitcoin blockchain, BRC-20 tokens were inspired by Ethereum’s ERC-20. Like Ethereum’s ERC-20 untaian pikeun Ethereum Request for Comment, BRC-20 also strands for Bitcoin Request for Comment.

BRC-20 tokens allow the creation, minting, trading, and transfer of fungible tokens or assets on the Bitcoin blockchain through the Ordinals protocol. The Bitcoin Protokol Ordinal is a numbering system that allows users to attach extra data to satoshis, the smallest unit of Bitcoin.

Prosés ngalampirkeun data tambahan pikeun satoshis disebut prasasti, BRC-20 token teu kedah kontrak pinter sangkan ngaéksekusi transaksi sakumaha ERC-20 tokens ngalakukeun, transaksi maranéhanana dipigawé ngaliwatan. prasasti JSON on satoshis through Bitcoin Ordinal.

Bedana Jeung Babandingan Antara BRC-20 Jeung ERC-20

Ethereum’s ERC-20 might have inspired the creation of BRC-20 on the Bitcoin blockchain, but make no mistake, they are not the same, and we are going to explore that in this section of this article.

operasi: One of the key differences between BRC-20 and ERC-20 is that BRC-20 tokens find their home dina Bitcoin blockchain while ERC-20 operates on the Ethereum blockchain.

Palaksanaan: BRC-20 and ERC-20 are both implemented differently; however, BRC-20 is experimental, meaning it has not undergone the BIP process. It only implements changes in the Bitcoin protocol, while ERC-20 has undergone the EIP process, which was approved by the Ethereum community before implementation after being scrutinized.

kaamanan: They are both secure as they are both secure by the top two blockchains in the crypto space, but BRC-20 is secured by the Bitcoin blockchain and ERC-20 is secured by the Ethereum blockchain.

Biaya Gas Tinggi atanapi Biaya Transaksi: Duanana gaduh biaya gas anu luhur upami anjeun dagang dina séntral desentralisasi (DEX).

dompet: Their wallets are different, you can store your BRC-20 token on wallets that support the Bitcoin Taproot upgrade like Unisat, Xverse, CoinW, and Alex. While ERC-20 tokens are stored on Ethereum-supported wallets like Metamask, Exodus, Trust wallet, Atomic, MyEtherWallet, and all EVM compactable wallets

Fungsi Kontrak Smart: BRC-20 tokens teu ngandelkeun kontrak pinter sangkan ngaéksekusi transaksi, tapi ERC-20 tokens ngalakukeun.

Drive Nilai Token: Token BRC-20 mangrupikeun nilai token anu didorong ku prasasti, sareng nilai token ERC-20 didorong ku utilitas sareng spekulasi.

Fungsibilitas: BRC-20 tokens téh semi-fungible sabab ngan interchanged dina increments set. Salaku conto, token BRC-20 dijual dina set, ku kituna anjeun moal tiasa ngagaleuh 1003 token xBRC-20 (x janten token) upami hiji-hijina jalma anu ngajual mutuskeun pikeun ngajual dina sét 250, 500, 750, sareng 1000 gumantung on sabaraha tokens maranéhna rék ngajual. Samentara éta, ERC-20 tokens pinuh fungible sabab bisa disilihtukeurkeun dina kuantitas nanaon.

fungsi: Standar token BRC-20 utamina pikeun nyiptakeun token meme ayeuna, sedengkeun standar token ERC-20 dianggo pikeun sajumlah token anu tiasa dianggo dina Ethereum, kalebet stablecoin, token pamaréntahan, token dibungkus, sareng token utiliti.

Kaunggulan tina BRC-20 Token Standar

The fact that BRC-20 tokens are built on the most secure blockchain in the crypto space Bitcoin, should help you understand these tokens are going benefit from the security that the Bitcoin Blockchain provides.

The interoperability with the Bitcoin network is one of the major advantages of the BRC-20 tokens, as they enjoy and leverage the widespread acceptance of Bitcoin as the most successful crypto, which has contributed to the BRC-20 token’s overall success. Also, this compatibility with Bitcoin gives the BRC-20 standard access to utilize the existing infrastructure the Bitcoin network already has, including its wallets and exchanges.

Standar BRC-20 masih dina tahap awal, janten aya poténsi anu ageung pikeun kamekaran di hareup, sareng langkung seueur jalma tetep nganut sareng investasi dina token BRC-20. 

Kontra tina BRC-20 Token Standar

In the same way, as the BRC-20 token standard enjoys the benefits of the Bitcoin network, they are still going to be affected in the areas where Bitcoin lags behind. This is because Bitcoin is not as scalable as some other blockchains like Ethereum. As BRC-20 tokens keep gaining popularity and awareness there are concerns about congestion, which could lead to potential higher gas or transaction fee issues.

Pertimbangan sanésna nyaéta token BRC-20 dijalankeun dina protokol ordinal, protokol anu masih dina tahap awal pangwangunan, anu hartosna aya kamungkinan rentan atanapi gaduh gangguan nalika téknologi mekar.

nu Bitcoin Request for Comment (BRC-20) token standard is still in its early stage of development, so it is safe to say it is still semi-fungible compared to the ERC-20 token standard. It has some limitations, like it being sold and bought in sets, you are limited to what is available in the DEX marketplace, and you can’t buy any amount you want, whether in large or small quantities.

BRC-20 Tokens DEX Bursa

This article is going to cover how to trade Bitcoin Request for Comment (BRC-20) tokens on UniSat, bursa desentralisasi panglobana dipaké (DEX) dagang tokens BRC-20. Anjeun oge bisa mariksa kaluar séjén DEX kawas Xverse jeung Alex.

Kumaha Masang Sareng Nyetél Dompét UniSat 

Pikeun dagang dina bursa desentralisasi (DEX) anjeun peryogi dompét, buka browser Chrome anjeun sareng milarian Ékstensi Dompét UniSat sakumaha ditémbongkeun di handap, klik dina "Tambahkeun kana Chrome" pikeun ngundeur tur nambahkeun ekstensi UniSat Wallet ka browser Chrome Anjeun.

Klik "Jieun dompét énggal" tombol pikeun nyieun Dompét UniSat anjeun.

Jieun sandi anjeun, make kecap akses anjeun bisa apal, sabab bakal butuh sandi anjeun sangkan mindahkeun teras klik dina tombol "Teruskeun". Halaman Frasa Pamulihan Rahasia bakal muncul. Tuliskeun frasa rahasia anjeun sareng simpen dina tempat anu aman sabab saha waé anu ngagaduhan aksés kana frasa rahasia anjeun gaduh aksés kana dompét anjeun. Teras klik dina "Teruskeun".

Nyangka anjeun jenius crypto, kuring bakal mamatahan anjeun ngantunkeun halaman Lengkah 2 kumaha éta, ngan klik "Teruskeun". nu"Tips kasaluyuan" bakal pop up pariksa kotak teras klik dina "Oké"

Anjeun ayeuna parantos suksés nyiptakeun dompét UniSat anjeun, dimana anjeun tiasa nampi, ngirim, sareng mésér crypto.

Lamun anjeun klik "Nampi" anjeun bakal dibéré kode QR anu anjeun tiasa nyeken dina telepon anjeun sareng ogé pilihan pikeun nyalin alamat dompét anjeun sacara manual. 

Lamun anjeun klik "Ngirim", you will see where to fill in the Recipient address you want to send your Bitcoin to, and underneath it is where you will input the amount of Bitcoin you want to send. You can choose the transfer speed you want, but note that the faster the transfer, the higher your gas fee or transaction fee.

I would not recommend that you use the “Buy” feature as it is too expensive, and it is better to buy your Bitcoin on a centralized exchange and send it to your UniSat wallet.

Kumaha Mésér, Ngajual, sareng Dagang dina UniSat 

To buy, sell, and trade BRC-20 tokens you need Bitcoin in your wallet for gas fees and Bitcoin to buy the BRC-20 token. So go to any centralized exchange of your choice like Binance, OKX, or ByBit to buy your Bitcoin, copy your UniSat wallet, paste it into the recipient address on the centralized exchange, and send the Bitcoin.

Ayeuna yén dompét anjeun parantos dibiayaan waktosna pikeun dagang, angkat ka Situs web UniSat, teras klik "Sambungkeun".

Klik "Dompét UniSat", tur sambungkeun Dompét UniSat anjeun.

Sakali Dompét UniSat anjeun disambungkeun, Pencét "brc-20", ditémbongkeun saperti di handap ieu, pikeun nempo daptar lengkep BRC-20 tokens anjeun tiasa dagangan dina UniSat

Klik salah sahiji BRC-20 tokens anjeun nu meuli, contona, kuring diklik dina "Meme" token handap. Aya tombol di katuhu luhur layar dikurilingan beureum "Témbong" jeung "Dagang".

Mun anjeun klik Témbongkeun, eta bakal mawa anjeun ka OKLINK dimana anjeun tiasa ningali meme prasasti BRC-20 sareng sadaya detilna, Jumlah Pasokan, Wates per mint, Panyekel, tokens Minted, sarta harga.

Lamun anjeun klik padagangan, éta bakal mawa anjeun ka Pasar UniSat, dimana anjeun bakal ningali sadaya daptar token meme prasasti anjeun bisa meuli.

Pencét mana-mana anu ngajual anu gaduh jumlah pasti prasasti meme anu anjeun hoyong mésér atanapi anu ngajual anu caket sareng sabaraha prasasti meme anu anjeun hoyong mésér. Saatos milih seller a, nu meuli kaca handap kalawan "Mésér ayeuna" tombol bakal pop up.

Klik "Mésér ayeuna" jeung kaca konfirmasi pikeun mastikeun pesenan anjeun bakal pop up, klik dina "Pastikeun" jeung anjeun geus meuli BRC-20 token.

Saatos mésér BRC-20 anjeun sareng anjeun badé ngajual, angkat ka pasar, klik "abdi brc-20", klik dina prasasti nu Anjeun hoyong jual, lajeng klik dina daptar.

Klik dina tombol ditambah, input jumlah pasti anjeun resep ngajual, teras klik dina "Teras".

Klik “Salajengna deui”.

"Asup sareng mayar", sarta "Rengse", prasasti anjeun bakal didaptarkeun. Nalika pesenan anjeun dijemput, prasasti anjeun bakal dijual, sareng artosna bakal ditransfer kana dompét anjeun.

Anggo CoinW Pikeun Ngalacak Harga Token BRC-20 Anjeun

CoinW mangrupikeun bursa crypto terpusat dimana anjeun tiasa ngalacak BRC-20 anjeun sareng nganggo grafik pikeun nyandak kaputusan anu terang ngeunaan token anu anjeun hoyong mésér.

Pikeun milarian token BRC-20, klik dina “Pasar”, Klik dina "Panas", lajeng klik "BRC-20", ditémbongkeun saperti di handap ieu.

Salaku conto, kuring ngaklik ORDI, sakumaha anu anjeun tingali dina bagan di handap ieu.

Ieu conto sanés sareng RTS, token BRC-20 sanés dina daptar.


In conclusion, BRC-20 tokens provide a novel avenue for tokenization within the Bitcoin blockchain, expanding its utility beyond traditional cryptocurrency transactions. They offer a seamless integration of additional data onto satoshis, enabling a broader range of use cases and applications. 

With BRC-20 tokens, the Bitcoin ecosystem gains enhanced functionality and opens up possibilities for innovative decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions. By leveraging the Ordinals protocol, BRC-20 tokens contribute to the growing diversity and maturity of the blockchain industry as a whole.

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