'Teu aya Kelas Menengah,' 'Jutaan Bakal Dipupus' - Dua Prediksi Kacilakaan Pasar, Kartel Gas, sareng Koin Mt Gox Mindahkeun Paus: Bitcoin.com News Minggu di Review

By Bitcoin.com - 1 year ago - Reading Time: 3 menit

'Teu aya Kelas Menengah,' 'Jutaan Bakal Dipupus' - Dua Prediksi Kacilakaan Pasar, Kartel Gas, sareng Koin Mt Gox Mindahkeun Paus: Bitcoin.com News Minggu di Review

Dina minggu ieu Bitcoin.com News Week in Review, one market strategist issues a dire warning about the U.S. economy and a large market crash that could cause a “50 to 60 percent haircut” in stocks. Further, the Russian government is reportedly making moves to create a global gas cartel with Iran. These stories, as well as the latest Robert Kiyosaki market predictions, and news of a whale spending 10,000 bitcoins likely connected to the 2011 Mt Gox hack, are just below.

Ahli Strategi Pasar Ngarepkeun Pasar Saham Turun 50% Ti dieu, Nyebutkeun Aya 'Teu aya Kelas Tengah Kénca'

Handap commentary hawkish Jerome Powell di Jackson Hole Ékonomi Symposium taunan, indéks stock utama, cryptocurrencies, sarta logam mulia slid signifikan dina nilai. Langkung ti $240 milyar dipupus tina pasar crypto sareng Crypto Fear and Greed Index terus ngageser langkung handap, nuju ka "sieun anu ekstrim." Saterusna, lulugu strategist di bubbatrading.com, Todd 'Bubba' Horwitz, ngécéskeun yén Federal Reserve raising ongkos salila resesi bakal wreak bencana dina naon ditinggalkeun di kelas menengah America urang.

Maca deui

Robert Kiyosaki Nyebutkeun Real Estate, Saham, Emas, Pérak, Bitcoin Pasar Nabrak - 'Jutaan Bakal Dipupus'

Panulis kawentar buku laris Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, geus ngingetkeun yén sakabéh pasar nabrak, husus ngaran real estate, saham, emas, pérak, jeung bitcoin. Ngarujuk prediksi sateuacanna ngeunaan kacilakaan anu langkung ageung tibatan nalika krisis finansial 2008, Kiyosaki nyarios: "Kacilakaan éta aya di dieu. Jutaan bakal musnah."

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Laporan Klaim Rusia sareng Iran Rencanana Ngadegkeun Kartel Gas Global, Moskow pikeun Ngaluncurkeun Bursa Logam Mulia sorangan

Saatos pernyataan présidén Rusia Vladimir Putin di ahir Juni anu nunjukkeun anggota bangsa BRICS parantos ngarencanakeun pikeun nyiptakeun "mata uang cadangan internasional" anyar, Rusia dikabarkan ngawangun yayasan kartel gas global sareng Iran. Wartawan kauangan sareng panulis paling laris Simon Watkins nyatakeun yén "aliansi tujuanana pikeun ngontrol saloba dua unsur konci dina matriks suplai global sabisa-bisa." Dina waktos anu sami, Rusia badé nyiptakeun bursa logam mulia anu disebut Moscow World Standard (MWS).

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Whale Spends 10,000 BTC Worth $203M, Bitcoins Stem From the Infamous 2011 Mt Gox Hack

In two days’ time, bitcoin’s price dropped to fresh August lows as it dipped below the $20K per unit region for the first time since mid-July. During that time, two addresses created on December 19, 2013, sent 10,000 bitcoin worth $203 million to unknown wallets after sitting idle for close to nine years. Onchain data shows the 10,000 coins moved this week originally came from the Mt Gox breach that occurred on June 19, 2011.

Maca deui

What are your thoughts on this week’s stories? Are the dire market predictions accurate? Will crypto and other assets help the so-called middle class to weather the storm? Be sure to let us know what you think in the comments section below.

sumber aslina: Bitcoin.com