Hur jag missade de tidiga dagarna Bitcoin

By Bitcoin Tidskrift - 11 månader sedan - Läsningstid: 5 minuter

Hur jag missade de tidiga dagarna Bitcoin

Detta är en opinionsledare av Enza Coin, a Bitcoin-fokuserad investerare och innehållsskapare.

The other day I was looking through my closet and found a pair of my old FitFlops. Does anyone remember these? FitFlops sold for some $100 and promised to work your legs into shape just by walking. Seeing them made me recall the time I spent traveling across Asia from around 2008 onward.

Under de åren och in i början av 2010-talet var jag upptagen med att leda ett företag baserat i Hong Kong samtidigt som jag följde med min dåvarande pojkvän/fästman runt i Asien. Han arbetade på olika finansprojekt med regeringar i regionen, och visade upp sin MBA, två masterexamen och finansbakgrund medan jag sysselsatte mina dagar, och några nätter, med företagsfrågor och utökade min investeringsportfölj. På den tiden innebar det att investera i olika aktier, några asiatiska riskkapitalfonder och en och annan möjlighet till såddfinansiering.

Apart from that, I also did some modeling for advertisements and through this I earned my “play” money. And, what did I intend to do with my “play” money? I wanted to invest in bitcoin.

Mina första steg

2010, med BitcoinÄr genblock having been mined just one year prior, I came across some stories about this wonder-currency. I was intrigued and interested in investing. I struggled trying to find enough information and to sort through the comments for and against it. The challenges were massive. It seemed easier just to forget about it and go drink another espresso.

Hur skulle jag kunna investera? Hur skulle jag kunna sortera igenom de många tekniska aspekterna? Jag kände att jag behövde ha en examen i programmering. Dessutom var jag orolig för att om jag kom på var jag skulle köpa den och hur jag skulle hålla den, skulle jag då få något virus på min dator som ett resultat eller bli förföljd av någon från den mörka sidan efter att jag gjorde det? Kan jag bli utsatt för de många bedrägerier eller hacks som jag läste om?

It is sad to think, however, that even 14 years since the genesis block, some of these impediments remain for many people, stifling greater Bitcoin adoption.

frågar "experten"

Som jag nämnde tidigare så var min dåvarande pojkvän/fästman tydligen finansexpert. Jag menar, han gav råd till regeringar om deras finanser och ekonomiska utveckling. Han hade investerat på aktiemarknader sedan han var tonåring. Så varför inte be honom om hjälp och hans tankar?

One weekend while in Singapore, I sprung the news and my questions. I recall that day so vividly. I mentioned Bitcoin and my desire to buy $100 worth and sell it after it grew to $1,000 worth. I thought it was fine to gamble a small amount because, even if I lost it all, I would somehow survive the loss… perhaps with only a few hours spent at a therapist.

Hur som helst, detta är vad jag hörde:

"Vad? Bitcoin? That’s just for use by scammers and prostitutes.”

OK, jag glömde fråga hur han visste det men hur som helst, diskussionen fortsatte. Jag kritade hans plötsliga kommentar till det faktum att han precis hade druckit en dubbel-shot, hög cappuccino med en pump hasselnötssirap och var hypad full av koffein och socker.

I replied that I have researched it and understood that it is a token for the gaming sector, an industry that was growing fast. It can increase in value, I added. It can maybe reach $10 someday! I then also reminded him that he promised to buy me a gift — yes, the elusive FitFlops — when next in Singapore. I said that, rather than buying me those magic shoes, I will just use the money to buy bitcoin instead. Now, I could have easily bought bitcoin with my own money, but I wanted to do this as a mutual decision, for the future. And I was not a financial expert, so I thought it still best to seek his input. The discussion continued and I finally got him to agree to research Bitcoin further with me.

Pojkvän/expert/investerare i panik

Over the next few days, we both tried to find more information on Bitcoin and possible on-ramps. I found one small and seemingly-elusive Bitcoin group in Singapore. It seemed at that time that to buy some bitcoin, you had to know the right people.

Jag kände att, åtminstone eftersom den här gruppen var i Singapore, en högt poliserad och reglerad stat, att jag inte skulle bli föremål för de många bluffförsäljningar och hackningar efter köp för att stjäla mynten som fanns då.

I wondered how to get in touch with the group and even if I did, how could I know that they were for real? Nonetheless, I was willing to take a chance since I would only put in around $100, just my FitFlop money. My boyfriend/fiancé/expert had a different view. He was old-style, a conservative investor. He was one who followed the Warren Buffett approach. Remember, Warren Buffett didn’t invest in any technology stocks until relatively late. The potential to lose $100 sent him into a panic, even if the upside could turn that into $1,000!

Bära Bitcoin På mina fötter

After finally breaking down my Warren Buffett protégé/panicked boyfriend into agreeing to consider Bitcoin, I tried to reach the elusive Bitcoin group. No email replies, no phone numbers, no address to visit. It seemed that the only outcome of my Singaporean Bitcoin adventure would be to own a pair of FitFlops. My outreach and research continued over the next few days but to no avail. It appeared that Bitcoin, and the potential to make big returns, would have to be saved for a select few techies or traditional wealthy insiders. I left Singapore wearing what should have been my bitcoin on my feet.

Min första Bitcoin And My Last FitFlops

The years passed. I tried to occasionally catch an article or other news about Bitcoin. Even as I learned more about how to buy and hold it, I was busy working and traveling and found it impossible to find any trustworthy Bitcoin sources to invest in across developing Asia. The region was not the best place to do such research. Even after the founding of some crypto exchanges, they did not serve customers outside the U.S.

The start of my Bitcoin journey had to wait until around 2019. While I missed out on the early days of Bitcoin, I can at least take solace that my feet have been happy and comfortable over the decade.

Till sist kanske du nu frågar vad som hände med min dåvarande pojkvän-slash-fästman? Tja, det är för en annan artikel...

Detta är ett gästinlägg av Enza Coin. Åsikter som uttrycks är helt deras egna och återspeglar inte nödvändigtvis de från BTC Inc Bitcoin Tidskrift.

Ursprunglig källa: Bitcoin magazine