Cuộc phỏng vấn Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Bitcoin, CBDC & Cuộc chiến vì tự do

By Bitcoin Tạp chí - 7 tháng trước - Thời gian đọc: 3 phút

Cuộc phỏng vấn Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Bitcoin, CBDC & Cuộc chiến vì tự do

Ở trung tâm Manhattan, phía trên Hudson Yards trong một khách sạn nhộn nhịp, Bitcoin Tạp chíTổng biên tập của tạp chí, Mark Goodwin, đã ngồi lại với Robert F. Kennedy Jr., ứng cử viên tổng thống Mỹ đầy triển vọng trong một cuộc phỏng vấn thẳng thắn và hấp dẫn nhằm làm sáng tỏ tầm nhìn chính trị mới của ông.

The interview commenced with RFK's assessment of the Democratic Party and the evolving definition of a "Kennedy Democrat." According to him, Kennedy Democrats are rooted in the party's historical values of advocating for the working class, environmental stewardship, anti-war principles, and skepticism towards corporate influence. He emphasized the need to counter the undue influence of financial giants like BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard, which control a significant portion of the economy, including military contractors, agriculture, and pharmaceuticals.

One of the central themes of the interview was RFK's plan to address the growing power of tech giants and their influence on free speech and the open internet. He outlined a multifaceted approach that involves executive orders against government-promoted censorship on social media, legislative amendments to protect free speech, and summoning the heads of major social media companies to ensure political speech remains uncensored.

RFK's stance on controversial figures like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden was clear. He pledged to pardon them on his first day in office, and also expressed interest in reviewing the case of Ross Ulbricht, the founder of Silk Road, to assess whether his sentence was just.

Sau đó, cuộc trò chuyện chuyển sang nền kinh tế và câu hỏi liệu người nộp thuế có ủng hộ các chính sách tăng thuế và có khả năng dẫn đến lạm phát để tài trợ cho nhiều sáng kiến ​​​​khác nhau, bao gồm chiến tranh và ứng phó với các cuộc khủng hoảng như COVID-19 hay không. RFK nhấn mạnh lịch sử sử dụng tiền tệ pháp định để tài trợ cho các cuộc chiến mà không đánh thuế trực tiếp vào người dân, lưu ý rằng lạm phát là một hình thức đánh thuế ẩn.

The interview took an intriguing turn as RFK discussed his interest in Bitcoin and the need for financial freedom. He shared how the government's actions during the Ottawa trucker protests, where individuals' bank accounts were closed without due process, sparked his appreciation for the importance of freedom of transaction. RFK expressed his intention to protect Bitcoin, potentially backing the U.S. dollar with cryptocurrencies and other hard assets to provide an alternative to fiat currency.

The future of the U.S. dollar was another significant topic. RFK highlighted the challenge posed by the rapid globalization of the dollar and the emergence of alternatives offered by BRICs and other nations, potentially eroding the dollar's status as the world's reserve currency.

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) were met with skepticism. RFK argued that they could become instruments of control and warned against their potential to eliminate cash currencies, ultimately giving governments complete control over individuals' financial transactions.

The interview delved into the challenges of implementing Bitcoin-friendly policies, including working with a compromised Congress. RFK expressed his intent to use executive orders and Treasury policy to make changes without relying solely on legislative action.

Cuộc trò chuyện cũng đề cập đến tổ hợp công nghiệp quân sự và cuộc chiến ở Ukraine. RFK chỉ trích tác động bất lợi của chiến tranh trên cả mặt trận trong nước và toàn cầu, nhấn mạnh nguồn lực to lớn dành cho các nỗ lực quân sự có thể hướng tới giải quyết các vấn đề cấp bách trong nước.

Drawing parallels to history, RFK discussed the potential consequences of inflation and the risk of social upheaval. He underscored the importance of addressing economic disparities and protecting the ability of Americans to own homes, in line with Thomas Jefferson's vision.

The interview concluded with RFK's vision of hope for American democracy and his commitment to addressing pressing issues. He acknowledged the challenges posed by powerful interests but urged citizens to watch his actions, promising to make a difference.

In a political landscape often dominated by familiar faces, RFK's unconventional approach and commitment to tackling powerful interests make him a notable candidate worth watching. His dedication to preserving individual freedoms, addressing economic disparities, and promoting financial independence through Bitcoin sets him apart in the crowded field of presidential hopefuls.

Nguồn chính thức: Bitcoin Tạp chí