主根資產可以轉變 Bitcoin 進入多元資產鏈

By Bitcoin 雜誌 - 4 個月前 - 閱讀時間:4 分鐘

主根資產可以轉變 Bitcoin 進入多元資產鏈

Bitcoin Maxis are patting themselves on the back after the launch of the Taproot Assets protocol for Bitcoin and Lightning. And they’re quite right to do so.

Lightning Labs mainnet Alpha launch last month was big news. Up till now Ethereum and Tron dominated smart contracts. Now with this latest protocol Bitcoin is poised to challenge their dominance and bring new vigor to the network. This new feature will equip developers with the tools needed to make Bitcoin a multi-asset network, enabling users to hold real-world assets like gold on the Bitcoin blockchain, marking a critical moment for Bitcoin’s evolution.

But Lightning's Taproot Assets have even wider consequences than what they initially received hype for. With the next bull run warming up on the sidelines, the demand for diverse use-cases is intensifying. This will create huge opportunities for networks and developers alike. Not only will a diverse ecosystem expand blockchains global reach but it will foster an environment of inter-functionality that will in itself breed novel use cases.

Bitcoin may have entered a new stage in its development, but it isn’t just Bitcoin that stands to benefit from this. Rather than seeing Web3 as a zero-sum game, Isn’t it time we eschewed maximalism in crypto and welcomed an industry that supports a wide and healthy ecosystem?

Ethereum Or Bitcoin? Or Neither?

The Ethereum platform has, up till now, been the de facto platform for 智能合約和 DeFi. As the world’s largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, if Bitcoin extends its role beyond being merely a 存儲的價值 and ventures into the realm of smart contracts, it could unsettle Ethereum's standing. But this doesn’t mean it will definitely become the leader in this field.

隨著技術的發展步伐將 Web3 推向許多領域的前沿,世界各地的創新公司都在爭先恐後地滿足對 Web3 解決方案的需求。一個孤立的網路無法獨自建構 Web3 的未來。這並不是將第二條主要多資產鏈的發展視為 Web3 排行榜的轉變,而是產業多元化的機會。

Ryan Gentry, Head of Business development at Lightning Labs shared his thoughts in a recent 訪問 on how the Taproot Assets will contribute to a “spiderweb network of tunnels” that augments the network's capabilities: “When I think about the lightning network from an infrastructure perspective, I think about it in the same breath as electrical power grids, oil pipelines, fiber networks. This is mission critical infrastructure, or it will be mission critical infrastructure for the world”.

This idea of a network of tunnels spreading in Web3 brings to mind Metcalfe's law, a term initially pitched by Bob Metcalfe, inventor of Ethernet, who described the network effect as a centripetal force that 網路連結的事物越多,其價值就越大。 從本質上講,加入網路的人越多,其他人加入的可能性就越大。社群媒體是最大的例子,但隨著我們見證更多用例的出現,這種現像在 Web3 中將變得越來越重要。


多元化是 Web3 成功的關鍵

Web3’s thought-leaders in the space have been quick to share their thoughts on Taproot Assets, largely focusing on how this will benefit Bitcoin’s scalability. But while many Web3 pundits may converge on Bitcoin as standard, the reality is that Web3’s future is more extensive than most of us will ever get to experience. Antoni Trenchev, Co-founder of Nexo, talked about the broader implications of Taproot Assets in a recent Tweet: “think about overall ecosystem scalability – imagine how many more users and transactions can be processed by blockchain companies with a second major multi-asset chain. This is a treasure trove for adoption. It’s not Bitcoin OR Ethereum, it’s Bitcoin AND Ethereum.”

Those who believe that Bitcoin is the only blockchain-based digital asset that will be needed in the future cannot foresee the use-cases that will require niche blockchains as well as major multi-asset chains to support them. Beyond just financial solutions, Web3 is experiencing a boom that is pushing it into almost every area of technology, revolutionizing the entire economy. Hundreds of billions of capital is locked into Bitcoin, most of it as a passive store of value, and the demand for use cases around Bitcoin is increasing. Instead of competing with Bitcoin, other layer-2 protocols, such as Stacks and Liquid Network provide novel use cases for holders of bitcoins. And many more Layer 2s are emerging, looking to tap into the hundreds of billions in capital that currently lies dormant.


As our world's economic landscape shifts, brought about by advances in AI, machine learning, and other technologies, it is becoming increasingly clear that Web3 will be a centrifugal force in the new digital era, opening the door to new innovations and business models. This large scale adoption will require diverse networks and infrastructure that will support future use-cases. As important as healthy competition is for disruption, the industry needs to make sure it also champions inclusivity and fosters the community that it was built on. Bitcoin maximalists, or anyone who believes in a single-chain monopoly, need to step back and look at the bigger picture, that network scalability is not as valuable as ecosystem scalability. Having more than one major network is not only valuable, it’s essential in order for Web3 to scale and its many startups to have the best chance at success. 

這是薩迪威廉森 (Sadie Williamson) 的客座文章。 所表達的意見完全是他們自己的,並不一定反映 BTC Inc 或 Bitcoin 雜誌。

原始來源: Bitcoin 雜誌