傑文斯悖論:它的實際意義是什麼 Bitcoin

By Bitcoin 雜誌 - 4 個月前 - 閱讀時間:5 分鐘

傑文斯悖論:它的實際意義是什麼 Bitcoin

From an economic standpoint, 傑文悖論 is arguably the foundation of the scaling road we have started walking down for Bitcoin. Pushing things off-chain is attempting to make the use of the scarce resource that blockspace is much more efficient to accommodate a materially larger user base than the blockchain can facilitate on its own. Jevon’s Paradox states that in the presence of elastic demand for something, when the efficiency of using that thing increases, i.e. the cost per use decreases, the aggregate demand for that thing among participants will increase.





這是關於 Bitcoin though: the cost to produce a block is the only factor of “input costs” in producing blockspace. The 更重要的是,無論輸入成本發生什麼變化,可用的區塊空間量 平均保持完全相同. This is the entire novelty and value of the difficulty adjustment in Bitcoin, no matter what the price and net hashrate do, the network circles around this Schelling point of the same average amount of blockspace available. The only way that will change is a consensus change to alter the blocksize, or block interval, or other such core variables that will have an impact on the amount of space available.

Therefore the only real factor to consider when applying Jevon’s Paradox to Bitcoin, is how efficiently can users make use of that existing blockspace. One person owning a UTXO on their own and directly transacting on-chain can be seen as a baseline. Lightning, allowing two people to share a single UTXO and conduct numerous transactions off-chain before settling them on-chain, is the first major efficiency gain. After Lightning, something like Ark or a channel factory would be the next level of efficiency gain. In all of these cases, there are no extraneous factors to consider. If you have Bitcoin, and the ability to use that Bitcoin gets cheaper and cheaper, you are more likely to put that Bitcoin to actual use. There are no extra barriers to Bitcoin other than having the Bitcoin. You don’t HAVE to buy a super expensive hardware device to use it, it might be best security practices to do so if you have a large sum of money, but it is not necessary.

在我看來,序號和 BRC-20 代幣在某種程度上證明了這一點。將 jpeg 推入區塊鏈(相對於區塊大小限制來說是相當大的資料)是對區塊空間的非常低效的使用。 BRC-20 令牌只是微小的 JSON blob,相對於 jpeg 來說相對有效率。其中哪一件事情真正推動了區塊空間的需求,從而推高了最近的費用? BRC-20 令牌,而不是 jpeg。




他們所需要的只是監護人。更有效地使用區塊空間歸結為一件事:人們彼此分享他們的 UTXO。他們如何做到這一點的信任模式,他們是否可以在未經許可的情況下單方面收回資金,他們必須與誰互動才能提取資金,所有這些都與傑文的悖論完全無關。

If blockspace gets too expensive for people, they will stop using it. Demand will drop off, if not in aggregate, then for a class of users. Unless they want to just entirely stop using Bitcoin, they will seek out more efficient ways to use Bitcoin (which inherently requires using blockspace, no matter how abstracted that use is). The only truly scalable way to do this in the long term right now is through custodians.

That means without actually addressing the problem of “what does Bitcoin need to scale in a self custodial way” we are essentially implicitly admitting that the economic incentives of how this system works inherently forces people into custodial platforms and mechanisms for making use of their Bitcoin. To deny that is to deny the realities of what makes Bitcoin work: economics and incentives.

It has been argued quite a lot recently that “spam filtering” is simply another way for Jevon’s Paradox to occur. It is not, and it has no relationship to Jevon's Paradox at all. Stopping a particular use case from competing with another is not increasing the efficiency of the other use case, it is simply trying to distort and manipulate the market of them both competing for the same resource. That argument fails to understand what Jevon’s Paradox actually is. It doesn’t care about one use case versus another, or which uses are “legitimate”; it is completely agnostic to specific use cases of a resource. It simply speaks to 任何 資源變得更有效率的用例,在沒有未說明的投入成本的情況下,效率增益的結果將取決於該特定用例使用該資源的總需求。


原始來源: Bitcoin 雜誌