謠言稱大 Bitcoin 儘管數據存在衝突,但錢包是鯨魚的收藏還是微策略的錢包

By Bitcoin.com - 2 年前 - 閱讀時間: 3 分鐘

謠言稱大 Bitcoin 儘管數據存在衝突,但錢包是鯨魚的收藏還是微策略的錢包

Five months ago, Bitcoin.com News published a story concerning the speculation surrounding the third-largest bitcoin wallet, as many observers believe the address is a mega whale. The report noted at the time that the address “1P5ZED” shows all the tell-tale signs that it’s an exchange platform, but to this very day speculators still assume and still publish odd conjecture on why they think “1P5ZED” is a massive bitcoin 鯨。

著名 Bitcoin Address ‘1P5ZED’ Once Again Sparks Unfounded Speculation and Rumors

“1P5ZED” bitcoin 地址 rumor is making the rounds again, as people wholeheartedly believe that the address is a bullish whale capturing massive quantities of bitcoin. Stories about the “1P5ZED” bitcoin address have been 出版 透過加密新聞媒體,分析師已經 聲稱 該實體有一個“交易策略”,Reddit 用戶有 發布的主題 關於錢包的轉賬,而且錢包已經 話題對話 在Twitter上也是如此。

例如,21 年 2022 月 XNUMX 日,一個名為「Ozz,Altseason 執行長」的 Twitter 帳戶 啾啾 a claim that the company Microstrategy was selling and has sold bitcoin.

“I just realized that Microstrategy has been selling bitcoin without telling no one,” Ozz said. “Michael Saylor said he would never do so, but yesterday he sold more than 1,500 bitcoins. From their main address, bitcoins have been sent to a secondary address that has been using Coinbase and Okex to sell bitcoins,” Ozz 添加。 Twitter 帳號也稱 Microstrategy 的地址是:

Main custodial address: 1P5ZEDWTKTFGxQjZphgWPQUpe554WKDfHQ Secondary custodial address: 1FzWLkAahHooV3kzTgyx6qsswXJ6sCXkSR

雖然有些人 把奧茲叫出來 由於該資訊 100% 不正確,且該地址不屬於 Microstrategy,因此該推文仍然存在,在撰寫本文時有 262 條轉發、163 條引用推文和近 1,200 條點讚。 這則推文進一步引起了廣泛關注 毫無根據的猜測傳聞 關於微觀策略的說法是不真實的。

‼️I just realized that you're a moron.

- 詹姆森·洛普(@lopp) 2022 年 4 月 21 日

This is because the third-largest bitcoin address is not owned by Microstrategy and is more than likely an exchange platform. Bitcoin.com新聞有 調查 the “1P5ZED” bitcoin address before, and onchain analytics have shown exchange spending patterns like cluster spending.

產業消息人士堅稱區塊鏈分析工具將「1P5ZED」與 Gemini 聯繫在一起

blockchair.com 的鏈上分析表明 “1P5ZED”交易 總是在很少有隱私的情況下安頓下來。 區塊瀏覽器 oxtme also has two annotations which explain that the “1P5ZED” bitcoin address may be tied to the exchange Bittrex.

但是,之後 Bitcoin.com News published our 關於「1P5ZED」的報告, 我們的新聞台收到了一位人士寄來的關於這篇文章的訊息。 該人士要求匿名,並解釋說,他們“可以使用區塊鏈分析工具(Chainaanalysis 和 Ciphertrace),作為其工作職能的一部分。” 該人士進一步補充:

您文章中的兩個地址(100P1ZED 和 5FzWLk)幾乎 1% 的可能性都屬於 Gemini。

區塊鏈解析器表明“1FzWLk」 的交易量與「1P5ZED」交易相當多。 “1FzWLk”也是 用註釋標記 在 oxt.me 上了解與交易所關聯的地址。 「[1FzWLk] 被 Whale Alerts 註釋為 Okex。 儘管來源和集群支出表明與 Coinbase 和 Gemini 的聯繫更緊密,” 麥角菌素 當時寫的。

While most of the top bitcoin addresses are labeled as exchanges, people continue to hype things up in the crypto media as if this is a mystery bitcoin whale. The fact is the wallet is most likely, with almost a 100% guarantee, a well-known exchange that has not been labeled as a trading platform. Although, as long as the third-largest bitcoin address remains unflagged, it will be open to interpretation and conjecture.

您認為「1P5ZED」是隨機鯨魚地址還是屬於交易所? 請在下面的評論部分告訴我們您對此主題的看法。

原始來源: Bitcoin.COM