Bitcoin Alpha 競賽獲勝者 Animus Technologies 獲得 1 萬美元種子資金

By Bitcoin 雜誌 - 6 個月前 - 閱讀時間:3 分鐘

Bitcoin Alpha 競賽獲勝者 Animus Technologies 獲得 1 萬美元種子資金

In conclusion of the inaugural Bitcoin Alpha Competition, Samara Alpha ManagementBitcoin 雜誌專業版Animus Technologies, a Los Angeles-based digital assets fund, as the victor in what was a “breakthrough moment” for the fund manager. As winner of the competition, Animus was awarded $1 million in seed capital and access to Samara Alpha’s institutional-grade infrastructure for managing their fund. Animus and their CEO Maxmilian Pace were recognized on-stage at the Bitcoin 阿姆斯特丹會議 for their AI-based model for capturing alpha in the Bitcoin market and were hand-selected for their innovative approach amongst 150 other talented applicants.

Animus, which began six years ago at the University of Southern California, was the result of three close friends with a passion for Bitcoin and artificial intelligence who saw an opportunity in a nascent market using a toolset that was being underleveraged in the form of artificial intelligence. Their flagship model employs a long-only strategy that integrates real-time market sentiment data processed via AI to capture excess returns in the Bitcoin 市場。

Animus’s CEO Pace expressed that winning the Bitcoin Alpha Competition was “massive” for their operations, both in terms of the $1 million prize, but also due to Samara Alpha’s institutional-grade infrastructure and industry reputation:

「營運基金時,您需要管理、稅務和審計協助、組建等等很多事情; 從成本角度來看,能夠簡化這個過程是令人驚訝的。 為這些事情選擇合適的服務提供者並不容易,這對新興基金經理人進入該領域來說是一個額外的障礙。 現在,我們可以專注於我們最擅長的事情,即信號形成和通過研究創造價值。”

在徵求意見時,Samara Alpha Management 的首席風險長 Roy Tse 指出:

“我們的伙伴關係 Bitcoin Magazine on the Alpha manager search has been a tremendous success and we were impressed and pleasantly surprised by the number of innovative strategies we have seen. We are excited to provide $1mm in seed capital to the winners, Animus Technologies, and look forward to nurturing and helping their business grow.”

When asked why Animus uses Bitcon as a vehicle for generating returns rather than traditional assets, Pace opined that Bitcoin is “inherently speculative; it is inherently a psychology problem. The fact that narratives are impactful for individual trading behaviors means that those narratives then have a strong effect on the price and the story that underlies this asset. We’ve seen that this week with the [false] ETF news coming out. An ETF didn’t come out, it was just news about the ETF that moved the market sharply.” Ostensibly, their AI models for teasing apart that sentiment allows them to capitalize on these emotional bouts of volatility.

Pace also offered insight on the current state of Bitcoin market as it traded around $34,000 after the recent run-up in price:

「很長一段時間以來,我們第一次看到貪婪在市場上盛行,這是我們在過去 18 個月裡從未見過的情況。 如果你看看過去的兩年, 看跌。 我認為最近情緒的上升預示著減半的到來,以及我們在熊市中看到的創新之後所建立的一切。 在此期間,有太多的建設在進行,然後當市場好轉時就會暴露出來。 我要說的是:不要害怕我們上漲了 50%。 縮小。 現實是,是時候了 in 當你面對呈指數級增長的技術時,你會發現市場。”

作為 Bitcoin industry seems to be awakening from the slumber of a grueling bear market, the innovators, die-hards and battle-hardened HODLers are excited to show off what they’ve accomplished in the meantime. Bitcoin Amsterdam was an opportunity for companies like Animus and Samara Alpha Management to connect and form relationships that will pay dividends long into the future.

觀看 Bitcoin Alpha award ceremony at Bitcoin Amsterdam by clicking 並點選這裡。

原始來源: Bitcoin 雜誌