DYOR 1irstGold (1GOLD) - information about 1irstGold

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More information & strategies

DYOR - Do Your Own Research

When investing in 1irstGold always make sure you do your own research on the coin, technology of the coin and the team behind the coin.

Before you're investing in a coin its important to do you your own research on the coin, technology of the coin and the team behind the coin.

DCA - Dollar Cost Averaging Strategy 1irstGold

Dollar Cost Averaging is a strategy that is popular in the investment- and crypto-world. It's a tactic where you buy systematic a certain amount of a certain coin / investment you believe in. For example every $100 per month.

As you buy systematic it will reduce the emotional involvement and as you spread the money you invest you spread the risk of a unstable market.


  • Invest small amounts
  • Less stress about volatile markets
  • Less chance on losses as you never buy full amounts on peaks

Cons DCA

  • Won't make optimal trades as you don't invest all on the bottom
  • Takes longer, as you're not rich after one trade
  • If you DCA on one investment you can pick a loser investment what will only go down. Better is there to spread your investments while doing DCA.

Explanation Video DCA Dollar Cost Averaging for 1irstGold