DYOR 42-coin (42) - information about 42-coin

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More information & strategies

DYOR - Do Your Own Research

When investing in 42-coin always make sure you do your own research on the coin, technology of the coin and the team behind the coin.

Before you're investing in a coin its important to do you your own research on the coin, technology of the coin and the team behind the coin.

DCA - Dollar Cost Averaging Strategy 42-coin

Dollar Cost Averaging is a strategy that is famous in the investment- and crypto-world. It's a tactic where you buy systematic a certain amount of a certain coin / investment you believe in. For example every $100 per month.

As you buy systematic it will reduce the emotional involvement and as you spread the money you invest you spread the risk of a unstable market.


  • Invest small amounts
  • Less stress about fluctuating markets
  • Less chance on losses as you never purchase full amounts on peaks

Cons DCA

  • Won't make optimal trades as you don't invest all on the bottom
  • Takes longer, as you're not rich after one trade
  • If you DCA on one investment you can pick a loser investment what will only go down. Better is there to spread your investments while doing DCA.

Explanation Video DCA Dollar Cost Averaging for 42-coin