Best App to Buy Cryptocurrency from Belgium - Simple Guide 2024

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Best app to buy crypto from Belgium

Learn how you can want to learn how to start with Cryptocurrency from Belgium by using a simple App or mobile website. We live in a great era, digital revolution is on and the financial world is changing rapidly. You can be an early adopter and be ahead of the herd. The only thing you need to do is take action and you can get a $100 sign-up bonus as well. How to Start With Cryptocurrency in Belgium

  1. Go to the mobile website or App
  2. Register an Account and Buy Your First Cryptocurrency
  3. Decide How Much Money You Want to Invest
  4. Pick the Crypto You Want to Invest In
  5. Move Your Crypto to Your Personal Wallet (optional)
  6. Frequently Asked Questions

Best App to buy crypto in Belgium Also in Belgium over the past few years, blockchain-based cryptocurrencies have become a massively popular method of investment. Millions of people around the world have tremendously improved their personal finances by purchasing digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and other alt-coins.

While some people still believe that cryptocurrencies are difficult and can only be understood by computer experts, this is very far from the truth. As crypto currencies got more and more popular, they also got easier to use, and investing in cryptocurrencies became available to anyone.

You don’t need any technical skills or previous blockchain know-how to invest in crypto. All you need is a computer or smartphone, some funds to purchase crypto, and a moment of your time to read this guide, which will show you how to buy cryptocurrency from your phone in just 5 simple steps.

1. Best App to buy crypto Belgium

As you can purchase very small parts of cryptocurrencies almost everyone is ready to start with cryptocurrency investing. Fortunately, purchasing crypto from Belgium is now more simple than ever - numerous applications allow you to buy cryptocurrencies, and a lot of them also support user-friendly payment options such as paypal, credit and debit cards.

When selecting the right crypto application for yourself, it’s best to follow the same rule as when choosing the crypto to invest in: stick to the well-known, respected names, and avoid small and shady projects that you’ve never heard about.

The largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world is Binance has a great app to buy crypto from Belgium. It’s a really secure, beginner-friendly app which serves in almost every country in the world, and supports many different local currencies and languages.

2. Register an Account and Buy Your First Crypto

When you have already decided which account to choose, you can register an account and start investing in cryptocurrencies. Although the registration process is usually similar with different apps, the exact steps can vary. However, big apps like Binance are very learner-friendly and the process of registering an account is very intuitive.

How to open a Binance account on your phone

Below in super simple steps explained, how to create a new and safe account.
1.1 Safe account
Click on this link to go to Binance to create an account.

1.2 Strong password
Enter your email & strong password, tick off I agree to the Term of Use and click register.

1.3 Verify email address
After this step is completed a verify email will be send to you.
Check your inbox and confirm your email address

1.4 Secure your account
Awesome your Binance account is created! Now follow the next steps and make sure your account is 2FA secured. This is highly recommended.

What is 2FA?
With 2FA you will generate a security code every time you login with a new session. This will help to prevent other people to get access to your account. Most used 2FA authentication options are SMS and authenticator apps like Google Authenticator.

1.5 You've an account now!
Your account is ready to use and buy cryptocurrency

After your account is verified, you can finally buy your first crypto with your app. Fortunately, this is the easiest part - buying cryptocurrency on an exchange like Binance is super easy, and is exactly the same as buying anything else online with your credit or debit card.

3. Decide How Much Money You Want to Invest

Before you jump into the blockchain ecosystem and start investing in digital coins and tokens, you have to decide on the most important thing: how much are you actually willing to invest in crypto?

This step is the most important, since it will allow you to increase your profits and mitigate your risks in the future. The crucial rule to follow is “never invest more than you can afford to lose”.

Although cryptocurrencies are a great investment, you should never sell your car or take a loan to purchase crypto. Only use the money that you won’t need to pay for necessities - that way even if the market temporarily goes down, your personal finances will not be damaged.

Before you're investing in any coin its important to do you your own research on the coin, technology of the coin and the team behind the coin.

DYOR - Do Your Own Research
Always make sure you do your own research on the coin, technology of the coin and the team behind the coin. Before you're investing in a coin its important to do you your own research on the coin, technology of the coin and the team behind the coin.

DCA - Dollar Cost Averaging Strategy
Dollar Cost Averaging is a strategy that is famous in the investment- and crypto-world. It's a tactic where you purchase systematic a certain amount of a certain coin / investment you believe in. For example every month $100. As you buy systematic it will reduce the emotional involvement and as you spread the money you invest you spread the risk of a unstable market.

  • Invest small amounts
  • Less stress about fluctuating markets
  • Less chance on losses as you never buy full amounts on peaks

Cons DCA
  • Won't make optimal trades as you don't invest all on the bottom
  • Takes longer, as you're not rich after one trade
  • If you DCA on one investment you can pick a loser investment what will only go down. Better is there to spread your investments while doing DCA.

Explanation Video DCA Dollar Cost Averaging

4. Pick the Crypto You Want to Invest In

After you’ve settled on the amount of money you want to invest, the next step is selecting which cryptocurrency you want to purchase.

This decision is not always simple. There are thousands of different crypto coins and tokens. Some are more profitable, some less. What makes things even more complicated is that the crypto ecosystem is full of influencers and paid advertisers who will do everything they can to shill you various cryptocurrencies which are not always top quality projects.

So how to start with cryptocurrency and avoid investing in low quality tokens? The best rule to follow as a beginner is simple: stick to respected and renowned projects and avoid small tokens which promise amazing profits but can’t prove their record of being profitable.

It’s usually the safest to invest in industry leaders such as Bitcoin or Ethereum - these cryptocurrencies have substantial teams behind them, and they are backed by robust technologic fundamentals.

5. Move Your Crypto to Your Personal Wallet (optional)

The last step is optional, however it can greatly enhance the security of your funds. After you’ve purchased cryptocurrency on an exchange like Binance, most blockchain experts advise you to move it to your personal wallet.

While major crypto platforms are considered very secure, they should be used only to purchase and sell crypto, and not to store it for a long period. Because of that, it’s best to use a cold storage wallet (like ledger wallet) or download a crypto wallet app to your computer or phone and use it to hold your cryptocurrency.

Take note that different crypto wallets support different coins and tokens - check the official website of your cryptocurrency to see the list of recommended wallets which you can use to stall your crypto.

Frequently Asked Questions How to Start With Cryptocurrency

Are Cryptocurrencies Safe?

Cryptocurrencies are totally secure on the technological level. All crypto currencies are protected with military-grade cryptographic algorithms, so literally nobody can steal the funds from your crypto wallet.

Is Buying Crypto Legal in Belgium?

All major cryptocurrency platforms like Binance are fully legal. If Binance operates in your country, you can use it to buy crypto without any problems. Crypto exchanges are also subjected to the same regulations as banks, so using them is very secure. As mentioned earlier, stay with the large well known exchanges to avoid the shady ones.

Will Crypto Prices Go Up?

Like with all other investments, the prices of cryptocurrencies are volatile which means that they change over time. While cryptocurrency prices sometimes go down in the short term, major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum have a proven record of being great long term investments. Good reason to learn how to start with cryptocurrency today

What is the difference between an app and application

There is no differences between an App and an Application than just the name.

Can I use the same account to buy crypto from my phone and computer

Yes, you can buy crypto currency with your app and use the same credetials to login on your computer to buy and trade cryptocurrencies.

Are there more apps of exhanges I can use within Belgium?

Yes world wide there are a lot of crypto currency exchanges that have their own app you can use. When we select a platform we have a set of criteria, is the coin available, what is the volume of the specific coin on that exchange. Always do your background check on the exchange. Below we've listed our top exchanges. Feel free to have a look at each of them.