Here is How Crypto Community Reacted to Binance's 'Oopsi' Swastika-Themed Failure

By CryptoNews - 2 years ago - Reading Time: 1 minutes

Here is How Crypto Community Reacted to Binance's 'Oopsi' Swastika-Themed Failure

On April 20, which also coincidentally marked the birthday of Adolf Hitler, Binance unveiled and shortly after took down its new Twitter emoji due to its resemblance to a swastika.
In now-deleted tweets, both the official Twitter account of Binance and the account of the company's CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) shared the new emoji which received a massive backlash. ...
Read More: Here is How Crypto Community Reacted to Binance's 'Oopsi' Swastika-Themed Failure

Original source: CryptoNews