Tellor Coin Hikes 37% In a Day as Bitcoin BSC Hits $5.75m Milestone

By CryptoNews - 8 months ago - Reading Time: 1 minutes

Tellor Coin Hikes 37% In a Day as Bitcoin BSC Hits $5.75m Milestone

Tellor (TRB) has exploded +37% amid bullish movements in recent weeks, as the emerging Oracle project makes major gains versus vertical leaders such as Chainlink, how high can Tellor coin go?
Oracles are effectively data-links that connect live external data to smart contracts and blockchains, in the instance of TRB this is focused on the ERC-20 blockchain....
Read More: Tellor Coin Hikes 37% In a Day as Bitcoin BSC Hits $5.75m Milestone

Original source: CryptoNews